I think if they'd chosen to base EP7 on EU lore, there would be a big risk of many fans overly criticising the movie. The EU has built a very strong fanbase over the past years and each of us have our own ideas of what that should look like in a movie.
Of course, labeling the EU as non-canon was a bit harsh, but non-canon does not mean non-existent. I'm okay with it now, although I must admit, I was a bit offended when Disney announced the status change of the EU.
On another note, have you guys heard the latest RFR podcast? They had an audio clip of Kevin Smith telling about his visit to the set. That was very funny and great to hear. Kevin was very sceptical at first, but when he was invited to walk the Falcon's boarding ramp, he said he lost 10 years with every step he took, until he was like that 6 year old kid again, who saw Star Wars for the very first time.