Hello Shipyarders, today we are announcing the No Paint Kit Bash rally. In the holiday spirit of giving, this is not a contest, just friends having fun. The prize is the awesome figures you will be creating for your collection. We are going to have a time frame of
the rest of December to the first two weeks of January (around the 11th). Open to any member of the Shipyards, make as many figures as you want. Also open to any toy line, this does not have to be a Star Wars figure, it can be anything from any line. The idea is to get us thinking about what parts look good together without painting anything. You are allowed to add greblies, bits, strapping or other "do-dads" as you wish.
Submit work in progress pics at any time during the event in this thread.
When you ready to post your final entry please label it that way and we will try to get a voting thread set up to let folks here chose their favorite kit-bash custom just for fun. I encourage you to explain what you have done and list all parts used and mention what mods you made if any. So boil and pop away, build up your figures gear and have fun!
Message from Tamer: Please if you are quoting another member's pics when repsonding to their wip or final entry pics, please
limit it to no more than one or two so I can peruse this thread to set up the voting thread when this is done. This would also be a great contest to get your little ones and significant others involved so we highly encourage everyone to get the entire family chopping and glueing for this one!