Y'know, Jules has inspired my Muse. (again) In response to his 10-minute scrapyard challenge, I'm going to make a quickie figure display that is more than the kitchen counter with a Ramen Noodle carton backdrop - and I'll do it out of rubbish! (mainly) I've got a couple of interesting heavy-weight boxes that frozen foods came in. The way they are assembled, they could be turned into an alcove with Jules' wall-sticker decorations with a fold-down floor. Then, once a photo-shoot is done, they could be folded up and shelved out of the way! This would give me a great way to photo new figs without coughing up a ton of $$ for the "mechanical chain base" kits like Jokabofe uses (which I would DEARLY love to have!!), but would still have plenty of visual interest. And, if I plan it out right, could have modular/replaceable/changeable details. I'll likely do two - one darker in color and one lighter - better to cover the bases for a variety of figures.
Now that I'm wrapping up the first two figs, I'll take a new direction for a bit before diving back into the other two. Work in a larger scale/broader scope for a bit.