Wow, love this. So many excellent little points that contribute to a magnificent issue. I don't know where to begin listing them, but I'll give it a try! I love;
- That the Force Spirits are distinguished by the colours highlighting their speech bubbles. We know exactly who is speaking without having to ruin the suspense.
- The use of the 'flash forward' 24 hours at the very beginning.
- Jar Jar! This is one of the few times where I (and I think most people
) have actually enjoyed his presence in a story. He was sincerely amusing!
- All the little callbacks to the Prequel Trilogy and how they link up to the OT. A ceremony in honour of Padme, the callback to Naboo uniforms, etc.
- Characterisation. Han and Leia's exchange at the beginning, and more potently Bail Organa - we don't even see him, yet that small bit of information regarding why he never took Leia to Naboo before makes us instantly realise what's going through the guy's mind.
Top-notch chapter jlw515, I look forward to more.