Didn't have time to comment yet on updates #3 and here we go...
#3- love that Gailid, especially the work on the headgear. Is that an Imperial technician head you've used?
- great Imperial officers! Did you complete the DS meeting with those or is someone still missing?
(and great work on the rest as well of course
#4- wow on the updated Tessek. I'm currently working on a cardback for him as well, it's difficult to get a good pic for him - but yours turned out great. Also great custom - my guess would be you used the soft goods from a vintage Squidhead?
- I'm jealous of the Veers - my favorite character after all...
I have him lying here almost finished for a while now (basically same recipe), but didn't get to painting him yet. Man, I need more time!
- Captain cool. He's on my To-Do-list as well (same as Lt. Cabbel to his left on the pic)
- Hrchek Kal Fas...great work. Did a cardback for him a while ago as well, good idea to mirror the pic, somehow it looks better that way...
- 5D6-RA-7....he's lying here finished as well.
Great pic from the SWCCG...I had thought it would maybe be too small for a card (used another one in the end) but have to say your version turned out perfectly.
- Gil, that one's cool!
Did a card for him as well a month (or two) ago, had no idea he existed until I he was requested by a customer... Great work on the head, may I ask where that came from?
...all in all: Awesome work...and the sheer amount is - again - totally stunning...kudos to you as well as Foxtrot Delta...