I was kinda scared when I first heard about this premise. Last story you sold me on the idea and after this chapter I'm fully invested!!! Excellent job on building the suspense throughout the episode, you managed that expertly!
Thanks! I know some people had skepticism about the very premise - which I think is entirely understandable - but I hope it was addressed sufficiently so the rest can be enjoyed without worrying about it!
I liked the Obi-Wan trick Aalay pulled (I'd like to think that Obi-Wan might have told her about over a cup of Jawa Juice one day at the Temple ).
Obi Wan? Nah, Aayla doesn't need any special help in that department, she's fine on her own. Aayla's trick was fairly different, anyway.
Besides, the last time Aayla and Obi Wan shared a drink, he got very "hands-y." So she tries to avoid that whenever possible.
Your special effects are top notch, really excellent!!! Any chance you'd share some secrets!?! My only complaint is the grainy quality of some images takes away from some of your awesome sets, but that is hard to address if you are working with anything less than a full blown SLR. But that in no way prevented me from enjoying!!! Gosh, what a fun ride this was!!! One question is still bugging me: Is Bly alive or not!?! Thanks!!!
Yeah, I took the pics with my camera phone, which is obviously not the best quality. Some pics I thought were good, others...not so much. And yet, I had about the same success rate as Idid with my other digital camera. Both kinda suck, though, so I'm going to look into other options.
As for the FX - I was lucky enough to have a friend give me a copy of photoshop many years ago. It's probably out of date at this point, but still gets the job done for my needs.
However, all I learned about FX I had to do by seeking out tutorials online. There is a wealth of information about photoshop and effects if you just look for it.
I still know almost nothing about the program except how to do a few very basic or very specific things. A great tutorial about lightsabers helped me make the blaster effects. Another tutorial showed me an extremely simple way to make "scan lines" on holograms. And so forth. Some of the shots here I made back in 2007 but still look pretty good to me.
If you have the software, just hit goggle and you can find tons of resources!
I know there are even free software alternatives to photoshop that can do great things, as well.
Thanks again very much for your comments!! I look forward to YOUR next chapter!!!