Another standout addition to the set is the Baroness with Ravage, a combination that has an interesting history.

Based on art from a Devil's Due GI Joe Vs Transformers series, and once planned as a statue from a now defunct company (I think it was first4figures), it was revealed in 2011 at a Hasbro panel that the pair was considered for the Pursuit of Cobra "City Strike" line. The concept finally sees release here, and looks fantastic.

There has been some criticism that the Baroness' head seems a little large, but I don't find that to be the case myself.

The only issue I find is the chain on Ravage, which looks large, lumpy and plastic-y. It is a small complaint, but since Hasbro has used real chain on figures in the past, it would have been nice to see that used here over the plastic leash.

Aside from the small chain issue, Ravage is well sculpted, and is an excellent representation of the vintage figure. He is also a lot of fun for photography.

Who's gettin' belly wubs?!? WAVAGE IS GETTIN' BELLY WUBS!!! GOOD BOY! GOOOOOD BOOYY!!!!!