Pre-Cyborg Eng Vreker WIPs
The head is just SAGA Obiwan with his beard shaved off and sanded down, which BTW is the same head I used for the Post-Cyborg Eng Vreker.
I painted his hair a little darker.
I was planning on shaving down his over-sized chin, but CloneCrazy liked it this way. He thought the Jay Leno look gave it a more TCW feel.

The body is a GI Joe MARS trooper. I casted the armor of a The Corp figure ($2 at Walmart) and molded it onto the body.

The shoulder armor was a challenge. I wanted the bulky look, but was unwilling to give up range of motion. I had molded the pads and solved the problem by gluing rubber from a balloon onto the shoulders and the the pads onto the rubber. This is the only image I made of the process. Sorry.

The helmet is a cast of a Hydra soldier helmet.

I fabricated the vibroblade's sheath, holster, bandolier and belt with kneadite. Straight sculpting.
The base coat is a black spray enamel, followed by a coat of silver spray paint and the the blue. I gave everything a black/brown wash to highlight all the detail.
Rather than weather it with paint, I distressed it with 300 grit sand paper and a file.
The various accessories like pouches, I molded and cast and then glued onto his bandolier and belt with Lightening Bond Glue.
The kama is just a blue neoprene glove, glued on under the belt.
I actually found a Norelco electric razor head in a parking lot and had been saving it in my greeble box. I placed a pair of rare earth magnets into the foot peg holes of the figure and opposite poles into the razor head. After a little weathering, Voila; a hoverpad. I did refine its look after I took these pics, but CloneCrazy has the pad now. I'll have to ask him to take pics of the more or less finished product.

No bounty hunter is complete without one of those forearm accessories. That's molded form the left forearm of Ironman 2's War Machine's. It's kept in place with 1 mm rare earth magnets. There are a couple of more 1 mm rare earth magnets set in the armor, in case I ever want to give him any more accessories in the future.