I don't know how I am the first person to get in and review this figure, but It is pretty easy for me to see why this one is pretty much topping everyone's figure of the year list.

I will admit I am not a big fan of the Black Series packaging and popping him out of this wasn't too difficult for me and I am a predominately carded person. I did like the back of the card with some of the classic movie information, but I am wondering how cool this would have looked on perhaps a modified vintage style cardback or box; something along those lines. Still most folks aren't going to get this to keep him boxed up.

Upon first removal from the clamshell you can see that he comes with all of the classic parts you would expect for this figure. I was pretty impressed with the look of his iconic rifle and the pistol fits well in his leg holster.

This figure has all the articulation you would expect from a standard super articulated figure from the wrists, arms, shoulders, head, legs, knees, ankles, etc. The joints in mine were very, very tight and I can see some playing with this will be in order to loosen those up a bit, but expect to be able to get this one in just about any standard pose you can expect. I guess one of the first things that impressed me were the helmet and armor markings:

This just looks like the bruised and battered Boba we would expect to see coming out of al lthe battles and scrapes he has gotten into. Now I know some folks here could put much better weathering on this and I expect to see some wonderful Mandos usiing this one if they produce him in the quantities they should, but for Hasbro and some of their famous paint flops this is not one of them. I will note that this great attention to detail on the figure didn't necessarily make it over to the other pieces that came with him like his rocket pack:

Still, said rocket pack looks pretty spot on to me from what I can remember it for movie accuracy. It does make it a little more awkward for him to stand, but folks this is serious hunk of plastic. With all of Hasbro's whining with the cost of plastic this really feels substantial in your hand, both the figure, and the accessories that go with it. Another thing that had me slightly annoyed was I had to work pretty hard to get him to hold his rifle, but could see the more I worked with the fingers and the rifle that will probably calm down a little:

I guess I was also a little bothered that his hand looks like he is gonna pull the trigger, but I couldn't see any way you were even going to get this close to doing that and as I was shipping this set out to a certain Aussie Contest Winner I didn't want to mangle it too badly. I will be interested to hear Ron's take on it when he gets it in hand. Still, I thought the rifle was done up beautifully with even the great stock markings they show.

Another thing I thought really stood out on this figure were the awesome wrist gauntlets we all have loved since ROTJ. The detail is so precise the only thing that could have made them better is if they actually fired. I gotta wonder if a Shipyarder will get to that eventually too. The bottom line is that Hasbro was extremely smart in releasing this as the very first figure of the line and then bringing in back in Wave 2. I don't think folks are going to have a problem shelling out twenty bucks for this type of figure. It has good paint apps, good articulation, and good accessories. The custom potential is off the charts as well. How many times could they paint this same figure up in different colors, repack it in subsequent cases and sell thousands. I can only hope when we see our first EU Figure in this size a Mandalorian Female is in the mix. I would love to see Lucasclones get his hands on one of these and see if his Aves trick could work. Like I said oozing potential here. Of course it isn't perfect, what figure has ever been, but it gets as close as any figure I have seen for years and I have gotten some good ones in my hands.