Spent some father/son time on Sunday putting together some simple kitbash customs for your perusal, yardbirds!
First, a rebel special ops officer, made with Mara Jade's body, head from Scarlett, a fleet trooper helmet, CW Aayla Secura breathing apparatus, goggles and armor, and knife from Yarna.

Two more in the above pic, ARF trooper with sandtrooper pauldron, Boussh cape, and vibroaxe (a variation on a previous figure, a rogue clone who disobeyed Order 66, worked as a mercenary/bounty hunter, and later joined the fledgling rebellion. Also one the little one cooked up, Phase II CW clone with the helmet from a sullustan x-wing pilot, backpack from Obi-Wan.

And a baby Tusken Raider, with the helmet from the mon cal B-wing pilot. Liam says he wants to be a spy for the Empire. Next, a weequay warlord, body of Typho, (I imagined him recruiting an army of Ewoks, manipulating them with his fertility idol like Belloq in Raiders.

Lastly, a cold-weather female operative, Ilum Padme body with Gen.McQuarrie hat, Endor trooper rifle, unpainted resin cast of a sandtrooper pauldron, white mesh we had lying around, and a felt scarf

Lots of fun making these simple figures, but my wife gave us endless guff about playing "

?"(dress-up) with our "dollies". Not very supportive! Have there ever been any threads on ISY about spousal criticism of this hobby?