Author Topic: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!  (Read 35280 times)

Offline Tamer

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No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« on: January 03, 2014, 04:47:01 AM »

Hello Shipyarders, today we are announcing The No Paint Kit Bash Rally 2014. Open to any member of the Shipyards, make/enter anywhere from 1 to 10 figures . This is  open to any toy line and any scale you choose. Your entry does not have to be a Star Wars figure, it can be anything from any line (Marvel, JOE, DC, HALO, MOTU, etc) as long as it is a new custom for you that hasn't been shared yet. The idea is to get us thinking about what parts look good together without painting anything. You are allowed to add greeblies, bits, strapping or other "do-dads" as you wish. We would like to see multiple parts added (more than just a head swap) as an entry and when you submit a photo of the figure (up to four images for each entry) we will also need a parts list (recipe) and description of what you have done. Then, after this is over, we can take all the great creations you folks will come up with and replicate them ourselves down the road. This contest will run from now till February 2nd, 2014 at midnight eastern standard time.

For each figure you enter here (in this thread), you will get 1 ticket with your name on it in the hat (well in this case a walker head with my daughter drawing em out when all the entries are in). Meaning the more kit bashes you make the more entries you get for the random drawing. Again, you can enter up to 10 figures. Once again please make sure your entry includes:

1. A picture

2. Your parts recipe

3. Description of how you put them together

The prize list so far (may add a few more down the road):

Amazon Exclusive B.A.D. Pack x1

Action Figure Collector Droid 3-Pack x2
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 04:59:39 AM by Tamer »

Offline darthdaddy

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2014, 07:06:21 PM »

Head, Cumberbun, and Lower Arms - Shahan Alama
Upper Arms, Torso, Gun,  Modified Jacket, and Legs - Hondo Ohnaka

This one only takes a few seconds with a heat gun, I only had to swap out the lower arms and pop him at the waist to add the cummerbund.  I used a scissor to modify the jacket and cut along the gold line.

created by Darth Daddy

I even painted one to show what could be done with the NPKB.

« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 09:20:42 AM by darthdaddy »

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2014, 08:43:04 AM »
Well that didn't take long! Bravo Brian. That is exactly the idea we had when we decided on this. What a great addition to the ole Ohnaka Gang.

Time to get this one to the front page.

Anyone else have any ideas?

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2014, 11:31:32 AM »
After showing my daughter Brian's great custom she pulled out all her action figures and the kit-bash was on. It is a pretty simple recipe:


Head and legs: CW Ayla Secura
Body and arms: CW Scuba Ahsoka
Soft goods: Illum Padme
Pistol: Black Series Mara Jade

Just a quick boil and pop to replace those awful non articulated scuba legs with the articulated Ayla ones (they matched up pretty nice)

I encouraged her to add a holster to go with her pistol, but she was having none of that. We put a rocket pack on her back that looked good too, but she liked the Illum Cloak better. She even wanted to do her own pictures:

By the way, the inside of the walker had too many nooks and crannies so I decided this was the better way to go.

Folks what a great way to share some quality time with your kids and we still have some parts left!

« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 11:33:50 AM by Tamer »

Offline Clonehead

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2014, 09:44:08 PM »
Nice job on both of those mash-ups. Great Contest, fellers!

Offline Tamer

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2014, 06:03:15 AM »
Nice job on both of those mash-ups. Great Contest, fellers!

Thank you Clint we had great fun. We have more parts left after tearing apart the Scuba Ahsoka and Ayla.

I look forward to seeing what other combinations folks put together.

Offline ServO

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2014, 05:16:47 PM »
Hello everyone!

It has been a while since I've posted any of my work...I try to divide my time equally between my Transformers customs, and my Star Wars projects...turns out...I'm on a major Star Wars bender right now...not to mention, my wife and I recently had a baby, so my total time alotted for this kind of stuff has been neutered.
Anyways, I would like to submit an entry for this contest...

Cyborg Savage

I used a Clone Wars Savage Opress for the upper torso, arms, and head.
The legs came from a Crysis 2 Stalker figure I bought on clearance at Target like 3 years ago.
The loin cloth thingy and outer robes came from an ROTS Anakin Skywalker figure.
The lightsabers came from a pile of lightsabers in my parts bin.

I used a dremel to cut the Crysis figure just above the pelvis. I then installed a ball joint that the Opress upper torso would accept.
The only other thing I really modded was the tattered edges on the cloak...just a trusty pair of scissors for that.

« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 07:01:36 PM by ServO »

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2014, 03:10:28 AM »
Wow, that is one sweet Cyborg Savage. Look for that to be on our front page soon. I can see folks trying to find the legs you used to make one of these or a Maul version!

Offline ServO

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2014, 04:44:22 AM »
Wow, that is one sweet Cyborg Savage. Look for that to be on our front page soon. I can see folks trying to find the legs you used to make one of these or a Maul version!

Thank you! I had been wanting to do this figure for a while, and thought this would be the perfect opportunity!
The hardest part was being patient and trying to find the perfect was just a lot of looking through toy departments at all kinds of action figures for something that looked right.
Those Crysis figures clearnaced out a while ago, so it shouldn't be too hard for folks to pick them up on the cheap.

Offline Clonehead

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2014, 08:14:27 PM »
Oh yeah, I like that one.

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2014, 07:38:32 AM »
Cyborg Savage looks awesome! Great choice on those legs!

Offline Laojax

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2014, 04:29:48 PM »
Spent some father/son time on Sunday putting together some simple kitbash customs for your perusal, yardbirds!
First, a rebel special ops officer, made with Mara Jade's body, head from Scarlett, a fleet trooper helmet, CW Aayla Secura breathing apparatus, goggles and armor, and knife from Yarna.

Two more in the above pic, ARF trooper with sandtrooper pauldron, Boussh cape, and vibroaxe (a variation on a previous figure, a rogue clone who disobeyed Order 66, worked as a mercenary/bounty hunter, and later joined the fledgling rebellion. Also one the little one cooked up, Phase II CW clone with the helmet from a sullustan x-wing pilot, backpack from Obi-Wan.

And a baby Tusken Raider, with the helmet from the mon cal B-wing pilot. Liam says he wants to be a spy for the Empire. Next, a weequay warlord, body of Typho, (I imagined him recruiting an army of Ewoks, manipulating them with his fertility idol like Belloq in Raiders.

Lastly, a cold-weather female operative, Ilum Padme body with Gen.McQuarrie hat, Endor trooper rifle,  unpainted resin cast of a sandtrooper pauldron, white mesh we had lying around, and a felt scarf

Lots of fun making these simple figures, but my wife gave us endless guff about playing "????"(dress-up) with our "dollies". Not very supportive! Have there ever been any threads on ISY about spousal criticism of this hobby?

Offline Tamer

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2014, 03:14:44 AM »
LOL Laojax! Great kit-bashes. And you need to listen to our last podcast where Chad and I get our wives on! Time for a front page update.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2014, 03:49:18 AM by Tamer »

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2014, 06:19:04 AM »
Great looking figures and a great way to spend quality time with the young ones!

Offline Laojax

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2014, 04:07:52 PM »
Thanks guys! Was just listening to part of the CAFN podcast on the train to work; sounds like y'all are truly blessed to have wives who are willing to tolerate your "eccentricities" with such a positive attitude! Awesome!