Hi everyone!
2009 is over and gone, 2010 is on.
Looking back, 2009 seems to having zoomed by.
Jobwise, the bad economy created a lot of work for me, but taking into consideration that a lot of jobs are still on the line, having a full plate of work doesn't seem too bad, after all.
Still, money is in short repair so that means putting in more hours, flea market sales Sundays and trying to get by.
Let's knock on wood that my health will remain good. Besides a bit of a cold around Christmas, 2009 has been free of any major drama.
The family is fine, the kids are doing okay at school, no major dramas here neither.
Sean and I spent some time today painting up some figures and I started working on my contest project.
I also filled up the hollow back on a GI Joe backpack as I want to put it onto an external frame and it would just look stupid if the hollow side of the pack would show. The putty also adds some weight to the construction. I'll show you the finished figure when the pack is done and painted.