I can't believe we haven't started a topic for this yet! SPOILER ALERT! Be aware some of what is talked about here may be information from the episodes so if you have not watched them yet you may want to wait until you do.
Has anyone watched any of these yet? I have watched the first four episodes and must say I liked it for the most part. I guess for me I liked seeing all the new and different style Clones we saw here. I guess I would have liked to have seen this arc culminate in seeing a TCW Version of the Emperor finally giving Order 66. I guess I need to remember though that the timeline for his is between TCW and ROTS. I really enjoyed seeing the Clone Medic (forget his name) and the Clone Commanders on Kamino and the Jedi Sisters one. Which one was the Red Sister's Commander? I need to go back and watch that.
Hey, what was the deal with the vacuum of space thing when they just put masks on so they could breath in space when the droids attacked the shuttle? Shouldn't any exposed skin have killed them outright? I mean once they lost hull integrity shouldn't any of the Clones who had exposed skin died right then and there? It looked to me like Tup was just pulled on out into space without putting his bucket on. Then, we see Anakin show up in his space suit.
Kudos to having some ground and an air battler too even if they weren't that long. I could use more of that type of action. I am getting ready to watch the Padme arc today and hoping I don't have flashbacks of "I love you" which just about ruined AOTC for me. Surely it can't be as bad as those political episodes!