Here is the definitely not finished helmet for my Spartan inspired figure. Looks bulky now, I'm hoping to dremmel it out and actually have the figure wear it. If all goes well you should see his face through the mask as is he was Leonidas himself. Well that's the hope at least. Also started working on a young Boba Fett, from the TCW s.4 ep.20, entitled "BOUNTY". I always wish they made this figure, but so many characters from the animated series I wish were made into figures. So far he's just been painted up. Need to get a helmet for him, make some shoulder armor for his left shoulder, and figure out how to bald this figure out without completely destroying his head. My son already wants to play with him, may have to buy another figure on eBay so I can make one for him as well. If anyone has advice on shaving this guys hair down, I'm all ears. Thanks. Also, I think I need to buy a matte finish for my figures. Boba's outfit is supposed to be cloth, the satin makes it too shiny IMO.