Bebop - I think the Evo-pack Bultar Swann head on, say, the Agent Helix *might* be a start at a decent Faye fig. Maybe use a ROC Destro w/o coat as a Spike base and a Heavy Duty as Jet? Obviously, an Ahsoka body for Ed, being all gangly and barely clothed.
So, I spackled up the seams last night late, as mentioned. Here's pics, as promised. I did it after the girls went to bed so that baby sis wouldn't throw a fit over getting to "help" - something we could ALL do without. As for the hot-wire cutter, I'm thinking a straightened wire clothes-hanger, jumper cables and a car battery. Lemme know if ya see the smoke plume! Actually, a 6v lantern batt and some jumper wire, but yeah. We'll see how that works. I need insulated handles...oh! Wood clamps. Got it covered. So, once the spackling dries, I'll cut the back wall off. Then we'll start spreading out the latex primer. Hm. Keke needs to practice that today, I think. That's something she should do on her project...