My last custom for 2018. I was intrigued by a character on the cardboard backdrop for the Target exclusive Vandor playset, so I decided to try and build him and give him a backstory:
TewVee – Is he an organic with a bit of droid as a mask, or is he a rogue Magnadroid? Few, if any, know. He rarely speaks, and his voice always sounds as if it is coming through a vox scrambler. None of his colleagues remember him stopping to eat, drink or sleep. Most suspect he’s a Magnadroid, but he will never tell. TewVee is happy to hire his guns out to anyone who will pay, as long as they aren’t the Empire.
Head = Magnadroid figure
Torso and legs = Jango Fett (30th Annivesary)
Arms = Sandstorm Han Solo
custom hat (manila folder paper)
custom soft goods cloak and neck covering
Bandolier = Hem Dazon