This one sat for a long time before getting finished, but I finally managed to make the time:
Lee Bucerind - owner of Celestial Stars and Gems, a modest jeweler shop in a very upscale Coruscent neighborhood. Lee is not a rock star gem cutter, but he's reliable and inventive. People say if you want it done right go to Lee Bucerind, he's not flashy, but he's good.
And with his daughter Desta (and their bodyguards):
Head = Henry Jones, Sr.
Torso = Phantom Menace Senator Palpatine
Arms = Comic Pack Wedge Antilles
Legs = Comic Pack Xizor
Cravat = hand sculpted
Head gear = Zam Wessell sight/Clone wars Anakin head band
Artificial arms = Snowtrooper backpack/Grievous arms