In honor of May the Fourth be with you...a couple of customs:
1. Widlow Kordi - a Pamarthen, who like many of her people, is an adept pilot. Widlow functions as a courier or smuggler as it suits her needs. She's self-assured, quick with a blaster pistol and plays a mean hand of sabaac.

Head = movie Scarlett Witch
Torso = concept Starkiller
Arms = comic two-pack Mara Jade
Legs = VC Aayla Secura
2. Paige Tico:
I thought Paige had potential as a character, and certainly there is a backstory before "The Last Jedi", so I made her without the flight suit. I would like to have seen her survive in one last bomber (I really like the design of the StarFortress) - I mean, its tradition to have at least one surviving rebel ship right?

Head = Resistance Gunner Paige - flight cap removed, and hair sculpted on
Body = Black Series Jyn Erso
Vest = The Force Awakens 5POA Resistance Rey