Also a couple of Rebel spooks:
Findar Leemas was a member of the Sembla Resistance whose father had fought alongside the Grand Army of Republic during the Clone Wars. On a scouting mission, Rebel intelligence agents encountered Leemas and immediately saw his potential. They recruited him to Alliance Special Operations. During a recon mission Findar "liberated" the enslaved Nosaurian, Bera Fire-eye from an Imperial installation. Bera has remained a constant companion to his Vurk hero ever since.
Head, torso and hands = ROTS Coleman Trebor
Armor = Evolutions Mandalore
Arms = Fornite Skull Trooper
Legs = Fortnite Jonesy
Holster is from the fodder box, so I don't know which Han Solo figure it came off.
Head, lower arms, and lower legs = Clegg Holdfast
Torso, upper arms and upper legs = Utai
Backpack is the one from the Phantom Menace Anakin