Saw these at Fred Meyer (a Kroger department store and grocery in the Pacific Northwest):
and thought for $5.99, they provide a "fancy" dress option for some background characters (senators, night club patrons, etc.) - they're 5 POA for anyone interested. Here's a sample using a Rose head:
I may change the head before I'm done, but it provides easy "dressier" background characters. The heads are glued two-piece more brittle plastic, so carefully cut and separate, or crack and smash, depending on whether one wants to use the oversized head for something. There was Anna, Elsa, Merida, and Pocahontas - I don't know if there are more, that's all I saw - oh there were creature two-packs, so Jasmine and the Tiger (but I didn't pick one of those up). Just thought I'd share.
Also, here's a side view (so you can see the optical sensor) of "Sec":