Thanks guys, glad you like them so far. Two more updates of what's in store. I have so many projects I just hope to be able to finish a couple of them this year
First up is a kit bash Durge, using parts from the different Durge figures Hasbro has put out so far. Each of them is too short in my opinion, so I made him a bit taller. He'll be part of a Clone Wars diorama, featuring the scene of him battling a group of Jedi on the moon of Ohma-D'un. Here he is stomping down on Anakin (Obi-Wan's the real victim in the scene, but he was unavailable for rehearsal...)
Apart from some work on the feet joints, the build is pretty much done.
A project that's been on the backburner for a long time is my Speeder Bike chase diorama. But I picked it up again, learned a thing or two on articulation from fellow customizer Spudafett and completed the first of five or six super articulated Biker Scouts: