Just though about what I have to sculpt, make, modify to turn that whimpy Clone Trooper into Alpha:
- range finder
- upper left arm: small pouches
- lower left arm: gauntlet
- upper torso front: ammo packs
- power unit for the gauntlet
- upper left and right leg: wrappings
- lower left and right leg: straps
- right shoulder plate
- 2x hip pouches
- 2x hip ammo boxes
- kama
- bandolier
- pauldron
- ammo clips (attached to the right side of the pauldron)
- 2x holsters
- 2x ARC pistols
- Westar M5 blaster rifle
- knife
- knife sheath
- various straps and fasteners
Good to have a list I can scratch things of off once they're done....