Thanks! I agree about wanting the battle droids to be smarter... If the separatists had spent their money on fewer but more intelligent battle droids, with better armor and not all being controlled by a singular source, they totally could have done better (though it still makes sense for them to be dumb enough to lose considering the war was basically staged by Palpatine anyways). Oh and more Droidekas, because those things are some of the coolest fighting droids out there. Anything that makes Jedi run scared is pretty bad ass!
I always hated how stupid the basic battle droids were, with their constant "roger roger" and annoying voices. One roger is plenty, thank you. One of the only really funny things that have come out of their mouths was when grievous, in the clone wars movie, pushed one off some cliff for pretty much no reason, and he screams "Whaaaaaaaaaaaay?" I thought this was funny because it starts off seeming like he's just giving a generic scream, but at the last second you realize that he was actually questioning Grievous's senseless violence towards them. Priceless!
Oh, I also agree that all battle droids should look like this (Not that I'm claiming credit for the design, as it was just from the game)... the eyes alone are so much better looking than those two half-circle things. I've been tempted to do all my battle droids in this scheme, they definitely look better when grouped with the SBDs and Droidekas like this... I like my little squad that's these two BDs, two SBDs, and a droideka, led by either a magnaguard or IG-88 (depending on what I'm feeling that day)