Fantastic. Sorry it has taken me this to note it and get it on the front page.
No problem! Thank you for the front page and the nice words there.
The ship is now done! It did not end up exactly like I wanted it to be, but I'm satisfied with the end result.
I call it "Aeolus Arnasa"
Here are the final pictures!
The gun at the top can rotate
Of course the roof can come of to play inside the ship.
There is room for 2 persons and a R2 droid charging dock
In the rear section is the cargo bay, also here can the roof come of.
A nice detail idea of my son himself, a removable cargo door!
The complete ship without its roofs
If there is no more space to store goods in the cargo bay, the goods can come along below the ship
And of course there is a crew onboard of this ship:
Hope you guy like it.
While posting these pictures on Twitter I realized that I never shared the S.T.A.P. in the background, so here are also some pictures of that one: