
Which is your favorite entry for our 2015 TFA Birthday Custom Challenge?

bdc41866 Rey
1 (5.3%)
Darth Streams Kylo Ren
5 (26.3%)
Jetpack Blues Flamethrower Trooper
0 (0%)
Phantro Kylo Ren
4 (21.1%)
OC47150 Finn
2 (10.5%)
OC47150 TIE Pilot
0 (0%)
I-am-Boba-Fett Zuvio
7 (36.8%)

Total Members Voted: 13

Voting closed: November 17, 2015, 03:29:21 PM

Author Topic: Birthday Custom Challenge 2015!  (Read 43215 times)

Offline Tamer

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Birthday Custom Challenge 2015!
« on: September 12, 2015, 07:54:00 AM »
Imperial Shipyards Annual Birthday Custom Challenge 2015!

Folks, some of you may have noticed I have been a little past due in getting this started as well as getting in here as much as I have wanted too lately so before we post the particulars one small note. My wife was diagnosed with cancer over the summer and right now we are in the midst of treatments. For anyone that has went through this with their own family I am sure you can relate. That being said I do love getting in here to just relax for a few minutes each day and even though I am way behind I am seeing what you fine folks are posting. So, as a result of no spare time, I had thought about doing away with this this year. This morning I woke up and said that wasn't what I was gonna do. Now I can't promise it will be as big a bash as we have had some years, but we will have a party as its our Birthday!

The contest particulars this time I think are fairly simple. Take one of those awful 5 POA The Force Awakens Figures (3 and 3/4") that are sitting on the pegs and create versions with full articulation (at least 10 points). And to answer the question before it starts you need to, at minimum have the following movement:

a. head
b. shoulder
c. elbow
d. leg at the hips
e. knee

f. wrist and ankle articulation are preferred (but not required)

Also, your figure must match a known outfit we have either seen from movie trailers or a Hasbro Product or other licensee offering (include reference pic). So, this might include a bit of painting and/or sculpting and/or kit bashing if need be. It must be a brand new custom TFA figure never before shared (feel horrible I didn't get this started as many great TFA Customs have shown up in recent days). Also, thanks to Mandalore25 and Sjefke here is a great link for fodder resources:


To post your final entry we will need the following (at minimum):

1. Your reference image or stock Hasbro photo (what 5 POA The Force Awakens Figure you started out with)

2. Your recipe (written out so we know what parts you used as we will want to make em later!)

3. Your final entry pics (up to five images with the first being the one I will use for the voting thread)

You will have between now and November 9th (my real birthday) to post your entry. Feel free to include as many work in progress pictures in here as you would like. I think it will inspire us all to build more. ALSO, STAFF MEMBERS ARE ELIGIBLE. I will be the one, for the most part, coordinating and acquiring and shipping all the prizes so I want everyone to be able to have some BDay Challenge Fun.

Make as many entries as you would like as when the time is up I will post a poll here and we can all vote for our top 3. I would love to see us turn all of the 5 POA items sitting on the pegs right now in super articulated masterpieces. And remember, if you have any questions or clarifications make sure you get em before you start building!

Prizes: I am still working on these at the moment, but I already have a wide array of 3 and 3/4" as well as 6" Hasbro Items. I will also be working with our site sponsors to see what they will kindly donate (they always do). I am also gonna see if I can get our wonderful Sideshow Contact to donate a new prize too which she has for years, but I will let know on all that and try to get some pics up here soon with what I have acquired so far. Please also note (from my message above) that I might not be as timely this time in shipping out your prize, but I will pay for the shipping in the continental US and will try to do what I can to pay for it outside of the US.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2015, 04:49:36 AM by Tamer »

Offline Mandalore25

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Re: Birthday Custom Challenge 2015!
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2015, 08:20:45 AM »
So it has to be a Force awakens figure, or are any of the 5 POA figures free game?

Offline Tamer

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Re: Birthday Custom Challenge 2015!
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2015, 11:45:07 AM »
So it has to be a Force awakens figure, or are any of the 5 POA figures free game?

Lets keep it The Force Awakens as most of the OT Characters that are out there right now have multiple SA Options.

Offline Mandalore25

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Re: Birthday Custom Challenge 2015!
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2015, 03:53:04 PM »
So it has to be a Force awakens figure, or are any of the 5 POA figures free game?

Lets keep it The Force Awakens as most of the OT Characters that are out there right now have multiple SA Options.
Well I was thinking Rebels, or the jedi temple guard, but if it's Force Awakens only I'll be sitting out this one.

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Re: Birthday Custom Challenge 2015!
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2015, 04:16:41 PM »
Well I was thinking Rebels, or the jedi temple guard, but if it's Force Awakens only I'll be sitting out this one.

I was kinda hoping we could all get behind the new movie too. Maybe we can catch one of your interests next time out.

Offline Mandalore25

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Re: Birthday Custom Challenge 2015!
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2015, 06:35:33 PM »
Well I was thinking Rebels, or the jedi temple guard, but if it's Force Awakens only I'll be sitting out this one.

I was kinda hoping we could all get behind the new movie too. Maybe we can catch one of your interests next time out.
It's cool, just wanted to clarify, first part says Force Awakens figure, final entry post requrments says 5 POA figure. Personally I can't back a movie I haven't seen

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Re: Birthday Custom Challenge 2015!
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2015, 08:17:42 PM »
I see shawns point though, more cultural impact using the tfa stuff.
More of a current public point made against the 5poa onslaught.

I'm game, and I know just the figure to convert.

Offline hemble

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Re: Birthday Custom Challenge 2015!
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2015, 09:26:52 PM »
Sounds like a great idea now to see if I can find any TFA figures in my area. And hope all goes well Shawn.


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Re: Birthday Custom Challenge 2015!
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2015, 04:54:37 AM »
Sounds like a great idea now to see if I can find any TFA figures in my area. And hope all goes well Shawn.


Thanks Ron, think we are getting there. Using this Bash to have a bit of fun and escape all that crazy medical stuff for now. And thanks Yarders for all the messages of concern and support lately, I appreciate them.

I see shawns point though, more cultural impact using the tfa stuff.
More of a current public point made against the 5poa onslaught.

Yeah, that was my thinking. I will be honest I also want to go to NYCC and showcase a few of these figures and recipes to show Hasbro how easy it would be to just make some decent figures. Like Ghostskull's Finn in FO Stormtrooper Armor. With the Finn head and torso he was able to use arms and a lower half to really make something we could all get behind.

first part says Force Awakens figure, final entry post requirements says 5 POA figure. Personally I can't back a movie I haven't seen

I can understand that too thinking of some of the prequels. I am already liking the FO Troopers though with their Johnston and McQuarrie look so if nothing else I can get behind that.

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Re: Birthday Custom Challenge 2015!
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2015, 05:09:26 AM »
Just wanted to say, I'm sorry to hear about your wife.  My thoughts go out to you, your wife and family.

Offline Tamer

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Re: Birthday Custom Challenge 2015!
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2015, 02:22:44 AM »
Just wanted to say, I'm sorry to hear about your wife.  My thoughts go out to you, your wife and family.

Thank you. I appreciate it.

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Re: Birthday Custom Challenge 2015!
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2015, 07:54:36 PM »
Ok here goes. My entry is Rey from Starkiller Base. As for the parts, the base body is the Padme Amidala Black Series from Episode II. Head is the original Rey 5 POA figure. The arms are from the pregnant Padme (Revenge of the Sith) as well as the lower legs (knees down). I used Elis Helrots scarf  for Reys lower pantaloons. and a neck scarf from Sharad Hett. Also included the 5 POA Reys staff weapon. Whew

Offline Tamer

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Re: Birthday Custom Challenge 2015!
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2015, 08:44:24 AM »
I am liking that Rey! Our first entry. Great recipe. Off share.

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Re: Birthday Custom Challenge 2015!
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2015, 02:58:02 PM »
My thanks Tamer

Offline Sjefke

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Re: Birthday Custom Challenge 2015!
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2015, 09:39:08 AM »
I like it.