Author Topic: The last orders of Captain Kai...  (Read 69709 times)

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The last orders of Captain Kai...
« on: November 21, 2015, 01:41:37 AM »
Someone reading this said they needed a refresher with so much changed/added... so here's a list of the characters and backlore.

Main and side characters and some backstory for them.

---------- GALACTIC EMPIRE ----------

Captain Kai- ISD Kumo Captain and senior ranking officer in command, former leader of Moon squadron has 2 brothers he sometimes speaks about. Listens to bands with loud rhythmic electro-stringers to the distaste of most of the other senior staff. With a fledgling appreciation for anatase crystal percussion flute orchestra's and opera pieces. Was promoted on the recommendation of Admiral Jaeger after his performance in the Halasian system campaign. Has been known to be crude and lewd at times but is fiercely loyal to those that show loyalty to him. He has an affection for one of his senior officers but his earlier crude manners as a tie pilot has all but dashed any chance of romance. He keeps to himself regarding most of his previous campaigns and missions unlike many of his fellow coreworld officers.

Lieutenant Celine Sylvon- ISD Kumo Strategic System Operations and Intelligence. Known for her quick wit and lesser known for her taste for violence she was hand chosen by Captain Kai for her position. Her tactical prowess often helps during ship-to-ship combat but is skilled in CQC fighting techniques. A deep cynical streak runs through her from previous experiences where she had hoped and lost.

Major Gridon- ISD Kumo Imperial Ground forces Assistant Commander Under Colonel Vimoshi of the 73rd Legion. Gridon's a no-nonsense commander with little tolerance for anyone or thing not falling into imperial regulations and doctrine. His large imposing stature is only surpassed by his deep intimidating voice and level of anger he is known to go into when he sees a threat or countermanded by a superior. He does not tolerate any sort of resistance from fellow officers at or below his rank and works to destroy any chance of it encroaching on his own goals. Has been noted to cut his losses when he sees a battle or situation get out of control which has included giving ground to resistant factions at the expense of imperial material and personnel in large amounts to the ire of some of his lower ranked officers.

Major Araed- ISD Kumo Ground forces of 73rd Legion and former Official Liason to multiple dignitaries in the core worlds that garnered her favor with imperial hierarchy. She suddenly requested military service and selected Kumo as her hand picked assignment just after the Halasian campaign for reasons unbeknownst but to her. She seems cool headed in combat but like many in the scout divisions she prefers to stay silent and out of sight while events unfold. Lt. Sylvon has taken notice of this and has mentioned it to the Captain who seems to have expected this type of behavior from Araed.

Corp. Zaym TK1979- Stormtrooper 73rd Imperial Legion detached to ISD Kumo, became personal trooper assistant to Capt. Kai after Kumo's crash. TK1979 was part of the Imperial infantry detached to the Kumo for ground operations under Colonel Vimoshi. After the events following the Endor debacle he is now a go-between for assignment commanders and Captain Kai himself.

Tech-Specialist Vishar- ISD Kumo Communications Operations became assistant to Capt. Kai following the events after the failed Endor battle. A regular tavern jumper he often can be found in the enlisted lounge during is off-duty time drinking mass amounts of ale and playing cards while letting his drunken rambling become the entertainment of the others around him. He has a one sided appreciation for Technician Yazit Qwistis who noticed but had other interests.

Sergeant Atter- ISD Kumo Naval trooper assigned to internal security assistant to Cmdr. Karamat. Clone War veteran of dozens of campaigns Sgt. Atter was one of the finest soldiers under Admiral Jaeger and one of the few Captain Kai asked to stay on after his retirement. A native of Phosmai and personal friend to retired Grand Admiral Sigal who claimed him the best soldier he ever served with. Atter is experienced and well versed in the underworld of the scum of the galaxy. He is often seen as the enlisted of the 73rd and the ships crew as the best soldier among them. Graying hair and near retirement himself Atter is attached to Cmdr. Karamat as her assistant and best non commissioned officer of the Kumo's forces. Often he's seen giving Karamat and Kai advice regarding military experience and has a tendency to go out-of-regulation in procedure and material when a decisive action has to be made.

Comdr. Vareese Karamat- ISD Kumo Executive officer, Assistant Field operations Commander to Colonel Vimoshi. A very strict upbringing was the solid base upon which Commander Karamat built her stone fortress of emotion on. She technically is under Major Gridon in rank but as they are close in work to Col. Vimoshi and he seemed to favor her in the way she executed his orders she garnered the ire and envy of Gridon. Which did not go unnoticed but Karamat's cold demeanor often belies her rage towards those that undermine or try and cut her stance with leadership due to her rank. A native of the capital of Phosmai she has known Sgt. Atter from a very young age and often sees him as a mentor and one of the very few she considers a friend. She was to rotate off of Kumo but a long unplanned delay on Coruscant while seeing her husband kept her on the ISD after Jaeger's retirement. Kai didn't ask Karamat to remain on the Kumo but after learning Sgt. Atter was staying at the behest of the new captain she has not requested to rotate off.

Lieutenant Vanders-- ISD Kumo Onyx Squadron Leader. Lt. Vanders was defacto Onyx lead when the former Onyx lead was lost at the Battle of Endor. While not very experienced he does have a atitude for leadership and strives to get results rather then flying the barely qualified hours to move on to ship-duty. This is why former Onyx Leader Cliner chose Vander's as his 2nd in command of the squadron. After the Endor trap failed Cliner's tie interceptor was severely damaged and unable to limp back to Kumo before the order to jump to lightspeed was carried out. An experience Vander's blames himself for. He now wishes to prove himself a competent leader of the squadron. He was designated Banshee Lead for raid over Riptide

Lieutenant Faraday- ISD Kumo Stryfe Squadron. A coreworld officer he was trained at the pilot academy on Coruscant. He often wishes to know as much as possible about any mission or person he meets but fails to put knowledge into practice as he often gets sidetracked when doing more then one activity. Has a very overly watchful sister as they're parents died to suspicious circumstances. Was designated Banshee 2 for raid over Riptide .

Lieutenant Commander Lodd- ISD Kumo Stryfe Squadron Leader was always willing to ask questions but for the sole purpose of his cynical view on ideas others had that hadn't come to him yet as his fellow officers saw him as an officer who sees himself an Admiral by age 30 without a shred of experience nor qualifications. He was rotated in after the Halasian campaign and given Stryfe Squadron. Was designated Banshee 3 in the first assault over the Riptide

Gunner Specialist Raem- ISD Kumo Gunnery Sergeant. Rotated onto Kumo after Admiral Jaeger's retirement.

Gunner Specialist Uwer SulDae-  ISD Kumo Gunnery Sergeant. Rotated onto Kumo after Admiral Jaeger's retirement.

Captain Ryvil- ISD Kumo Flight officer for 247th Fighter Wing. Often at odds with Captain Kai regarding flight deployments and procedures he is kept on due to his politics inside the Kumo as he continues to be one of the few pilots loyal to Maj. Gridon. Ryvil survived the Halasia campaign and was promoted after the retirement of Admiral Jaeger. Noteworthy for being one of the few officers to take a second tie tour after making his initial run and refusing fleet duty. But also noteworthy for being a leader that holds back and doesn't foray into battle until it's well decided that he's on the victorious side.

Private Karva- ISD enlisted as part of the 73rd infantry. Native of Phosmai and great grand nephew to former Grand Admiral Sigel.

Squadron compliment after Endor battle and before crash of Kumo -
ONYX Tie/ln (4survivng),
MOON Tie/ln (8survivng),
GREY Tie/ln (4survivng),
STRYFE Tie/ln (6survivng),
HAMMER Tie/bomber (4survivng),
STORM Tie/Interceptor (7survivng).

5 Tie/ln fighters of Stryfe and Moon lost in battle over Riptide ... 1 survivng.

Admiral Sequa- IIC Slipstream senior ranking officer in command. An admirlal with experience during some minor action in the Clone Wars Sequa was always more interested in watching the machinazations of Imperial politics rather then shaping them himself. He has a tendency to let his junior officers take command and be the day-to-day face of operations on his vessel while he is often found in his captain's quarters going over Holo-net information on political movements. This has proven to be useful and a hinderance as it keeps his junior officers in the fast track for promotion but often means his own tactics and procedures are seen as too antiquated relegating him to a fleet cruiser and not a more lavish or lustrous position on a Star Destroyer or on Cosuscant.

Commander Faraday- IIC Slipstream 1st officer and day-to-day operations commander of the Slipstream she is often known for her overbearing attention to detail and her unwillingness to back down in the face of opposition. A former tie pilot she finished her year of combat duty and took a fleet assignment where she could be more in control of her surroundings. Which works well with Admiral Sequa's own hands' off attitude regarding the Slipstream. She is often found speaking about her younger brother of which some of her fellow officers often tire of hearing.

Admiral Jaeger ret.- ISD Kumo Former Captain Senior ranked officer in command. Retired after the Halasian campaign.
Colonel Vimoshi- ISD Kumo Senior Ground forces commander KIA during Kumo crash.
Commander Cliner- ISD Kumo Former Lead of Onyx Squadron presumed KIA at Endor.
Colonel Telecco- ISD Kumo Former Ground commander, replaced by Col. Vimoshi, took a new position on Brental 4 after the victory of the Halasian campaign.
Grand Admiral Sigel ret.- Former Grand Admiral retired 8 years before Battle of Endor, still very active in Phosmai planetary politics.
Captain Zaq Vuris- Great grandson to Grand Admiral Sigel currently part of ISB stationed in the Outer Rim.
Lieutenant Pliskin- ISD Kumo Former officer of 73rd detachment during the initial search of Aranae

---------- REBEL ALLIANCE ----------

Captain Barrax- Mon Calamari Cruiser Riptide Captain. Formerly a Mon Calamari cruise liner captain Barrax hadn't the most combat experience before the galactic civil war, but was known for his keen intuition and having excellent tactical skills. He also has an affinity for cooking and often uses food or kitchen references when speaking to subordinates.

Commander Vorm- Blue Lead of Blue Squadron from Riptide. Vorm was originally a courier for Shell Surf delivery on his home world and came to join the rebellion before the battle of Hoth. He has a knack for exceptional skill for flying larger slower craft, pulling maneuvers that were hard to accomplish in slower moving fighters like the Y-Wing. Eventually forming a Mon Calamari bomber group called Shell Squardon after his old jobs name. He has an abraded working relationship with the Clarion's 1st officer Commander Shellish deeming his ideas and strategy too dangerous. Fortunately Captain Barrax had a more tempered attitude towards aerial missions.

Lieutenant Percy Zovish Designated Blue 3 while on the planet Aranae, he was the veteran of the Clarion's Y-Wing squadron. Starting his pilot career after the Clone Wars with light freighter runs but eventually meeting a younger Mon Calamari pilot Commander Vorm on their home world and both deciding to join the rebellion just before the battle of Hoth.
Lieutenant Cashil Designated Blue 5 while on the planet Aranae the young female Mon Cala pilot joined the rebellion after the battle of Hoth. Being told the evil's of the empire since birth she couldn't wait to find an agent from the alliance to join up with their forces.

Lieutenant Adax Designated Blue 6 at Aranae. Forming up with Vorm's Shell Squadron just after the battle of Hoth Adax was glad to see other Mon Calamari joining the rebellion to defeat the Empire after Hoth.

Lieutenant Draxan Designated as Blue 8 at Aranae Drax was more following the tales of others about strings of victories by the rebel alliance leading to the dramatic assault at Endor.

Lieutenant Lisson Designated Blue 11 on Aranae Lisson is Shell Squadron's best bomb delivery pilot. She was known for her excellent targeting and also skilled in medical procedures.

Lieutenant Kradam Designated Blue 12 at Aranae Kradam is a relative newcomer to Vorm's Shell Squadron. Joining up with the squadron just before the rebel alliance amassed at Sullust prior to their attack on the second Death Star. A middle aged Mon Calamari Kradam keeps to  himself and doesn't speak unless necessary.

Commander Shellis 1st Officer of Riptide. Shellis had lobbied early during the fledgling alliance to get command of a capital ship. He has tactical ingenuity but often is seen as unwilling to listen to ideas that may be contradictory to his own plans and crews often deem him overly confident.

Lieutenant Tarris Riptide's Communication's officer

Lieutenant Klavine Designated LONGSPEAR One of the few humans assigned to the Clarion Klavine was part of Captain Dryce's spec-ops unit "Dryce's Deck". He was very dubious about the assault on the second Death Star but was glad it worked. During the imperial retreat he was recalled to the Riptide instead of the Clarion to rejoin Captain Dryce's main unit. Fortunately for him as the Clarion was destroyed in a plume of fire in the atmosphere of the planet Aranae.

Lt. Aerrel Tritan Designated SPEAR. Part of "Dryce's Deck" Tritan was a well traveled pilot and former imperial academy graduate joined up with the Rebellion after the battle of Hoth. Known as the cool head in the "Deck" Tritan has often used her experiences to guide her in battle. She hopes to live long enough see the Empire's reign end over the galaxy.

Commander Glavyn Riptide Boarding party leader of Team B (Stormie Captain)

Corporal Smoldz Riptide Boarding party member of Team B (Stormie Lt.)

Maintenance LeadSgt. Lactah Riptide Maintenance Lead

Captain Dryce Alliance air/ground unit commander assigned to the Clarion. While technically not part of Captain Barrax's crew he was assigned to the ship under orders of General Cracken. He was originally hoping to capture a wounded ISD with it's computer core intact before being scuttled which had happened by multiple Star Destroyers at Endor. While the capture of the Kumo failed Dryce's Deck will continue to assist in the rescue operations to help the Clarion and Riptide survivors.

Lt. Plosshim Riptide Defense officer Ground commander.

Uncle Hestem - Big Hes  Aerrel Tritan's uncle.


Planet Aranae- Originally Aranae was part of the Assembler's colony worlds. With vast oceans and large forested areas above ground that were complimented with deep caverns and large hollowed mountains made for excellent base components for an Assembler colony to start. However the colonie's sentience all but has escaped the most elder of the Viraxen leaders without explanation that even the remaining sentient Viraxen are puzzled by.

Vokral – former overqueen of the Viraxen, neutralized by order of Admiral Jaeger.

The Viraxen- A species of huge arachnids that have a semi-hive mind. They have One Overqueen and 3 visage queens that work as a network for their mind. Rarely does one see what the others do not. Their webbing is extremely durable and very sticky. The few that have seen the Viraxen often say the race's nightmarish attributes scar their minds and senses as the fanged mouths often give a loud wailing scream when hunting. They are comprised of 4 Royal nests, 1 main 3-visage queens in charge of the others. 8 assemblers made the council of of elders to ensure a the hierarchy is kept in check.

Imperial ISD contact at roughly 1-0BBY by accident. Admiral Jaeger commanding. Those that have dealt with the Viraxen have found very little knowledge from them as they cling to old religions of ancient webs of the under and over with their philosophical views changing from the position in the hives they take. 8 elder assemblers created the original colonial council for progression of the race however they're efforts were futile as sentience started to escape later nestlings early on in their growth. Suppression and extermination of the Royal hierarchy per order of Admrial Jaeger and agreement to spare the council of assembler elders.

Planet received quarantine designate by order of Grand Moff Tarkin.
Now there is.. ."She",... the one that was awakened. She is now current Overqueen and ruler of the remnants of the 4 original nests that now exacts her vengeance on those that slain her.


Like many human dominated planets Phosmai was originally a Rakatan slavers colony. However with the decline and fall of the Rakatan's Infinite Empire the humans were freed but left to suvive the harsh conditions on Phosmai on their own.

Later after conflicts inflamed and extinquished the prosperity of Phosmai was had by many in the early days of the formation of the Republic.

Once long ago in the early years of the old republic the planet Phosmai was steward to the Valphosmai shipyards. Now no more then a distant memory on the fringe ofthe galaxy.

The remnants of the shipyards have been occupied the last several hundred years with nothing worth of note for the common good and decent citizens of the Empire. Smugglers and Pirates use the decaying orbital platforms and the wrecked hulks of ships long abandoned as hide outs and theives dens. It would have stayed like this long after Palpatine had passed on his inheritance of the Empire to his successor.


<Backstory: I started this fanfic about 9 months ago when I thought I was going to do it as a Photonovel, the mods may remember a deleted post by me back in May with pics of a stormie figure near a rough dio of pillars covered in vines. I decided to take a more in depth perspective on the story and wrote about 80 pages. I may turn it into a photonovel eventually... but wanted to test the waters 1st. BTW i see an imperial commander in Chewbacca #3 is called Commander Kai... the same last name as my main imp captain... Kai is a word that has a lot of different meanings in different languages around the world... so I'm not sure the reason for Gerry Duggan using it as the imp officer in the Chewbacca series, but that character has no relation to my imperial Captain Kai, just saying... my Kai came 1st!   :P >

Prologue: The Battle of Endor.

During the battle the second Death Star was destroyed and the Imperial star fleet took heavy losses when the command vessel and many other imperial capital ships were captured or destroyed in the chaos of the engagement against the rebel fleet. During the disaster the retreat order was given by a Captain Paelleon sending many surviving ships to retreat to predestined fall back points should something as unthinkable as defeat taken place.

The escape saw multiple star destroyers captured by the Rebellion. Some imperial vessels were able to flee to their fall back positions while others made blind jumps to get away from the carnage. Some still tried to get away but had alliance capital ships still in pursuit racing behind the imps hoping to pounce on their wounded prey.

As the massive imperial star destroyer Kumo flew through hyperspace it's structure showed the heavy hand laid on it by the Alliance cruisers. The destroyer's ivory white armor scarred and torn with blaster marks and bombing hits. Long dark streaks were burned along it's bow as its starboard side showed bulk heads and decks ripped open from torpedo strikes. Burned out turbo laser gun ports put large blackened voids where normally lights illuminated the sides of the star destroyer's hull once showing the life and power of this symbol of imperial might. They now stood as dark sobering reminders of the imperial power in flux. Suddenly the blue tunnel of hyperspace retracted as the star destroyer fell back into real space high above a small blue and green planet.

The Kumo's bridge was controlled chaos. As crewmen and techs rush to different stations shouting reports as officers on the command walkway barked orders down towards the crew pits.

As a technician clad in gray with a back uniform cap looked at his reports he looked up from his readouts towards the command walkway and spoke up with his report. “Captain! Shields are back up to 20% after the micro jump. Repair crews are still trying to cover all the damage.” The words were directed towards the olive drab uniformed man standing in the front of the Kumo's massive view ports. A man of average height, dark blue eyes, pale skin and jet black hair under his green cap turned from the view ports towards the technician and nodded as he replied. “ Have them get on the most detrimental damage immediately especially any damage that may cause future hull breaches or bulk head leaks.” Captain Kai said in a slightly anxious voice. He had a distinct anger under his breath and the technician could tell he was working to restrain it. “Right sir!” the technician loudly replied.

Captain Kai held his arms on his waist, his black gloved hands clenching his belt as he tapped his boot against the command platform's hull. Impatience was growing in him. Impatience or the knowledge of what just occurred was truly sinking in. The strike fleet at Endor was decimated. Not only that but the Death Star destroyed and no reports of Palpatine making it off the station had came through before the jump away from the chaos. Had Palpatine really been killed? Kai thought to himself. A moment later one of the other technicians from a console turned and shouted out of the port side crew pit. “Captain! Multiple hostile signatures coming out of hyperspace behind us!” Kai bit down on his teeth in frustration for a half second before replying “Ready remaining batteries for combat, launch any current prepped Tie flights for defense ready remaining tie flights to prep for launch!”

From behind the star destroyer two large Mon Calamari cruisers emerged from hyperspace and start to flank the imperial ship in a pincer maneuver.

As the remaining starboard batteries erupted with defensive fire towards the closer side Mon Calamari cruiser Tie fighters poured out of the Kumo's main hangar heading towards the further away port side rebel cruiser. Turbo lasers from the closer Mon Calamari vessel scored direct hits over the few remaining starboard batteries trying to defend the imperial capital ship.

“Captain! Damage control reports all starboard batteries aft of the main hangar are now destroyed or disabled!” An officer from the starboard crew pit reported hastily towards Kai. “Bring us about to put the planet to our starboard side as quickly as possible so the port batteries can try to get an angle on the closer cruiser! Where is it?!”

Suddenly another score lurched the entire bridge of the imperial star destroyer. Making the officers stumble and replant their feet for balance. The blonde haired technician who reported the shield and damage earlier turned in a panic towards Kai ”Sir batteries report the closer cruiser went into atmosphere, but the port rebel ship is starting a barrage!” Captain Kai exhaled quickly and mumbled to himself “Most of their fighters are back at Endor then. Track the closer cruiser if able!” One of the technicians from a console spoke loudly but never turned from his view-screen, “The planets atmosphere is interfering with scanners and targeting we can no longer track or scan the rebel vessel Captain!”. A split second later Kai barked orders down into the crew pit and finished his sentence loud enough so the entire bridge could hear “Follow it into the planets atmosphere!” The helmsmen looked up from his displays in disbelief “Sir?” Kai yelled his reply “Do it!”. As the helm officer complied Kai continued “I want us deep into the planets atmosphere, make sure the storms and interference cover us.” The helmsmen nodded and complied. As the Kumo started into its new trajectory the previous technician spoke up “Sir the second cruiser is in pursuit!” Kai waited a few moments before acknowledging the information and spoke his orders back towards the helmsman. “Have engines ready to preform an all-stop descent in the atmosphere and reverse thrust at the rebel ships incoming heading, have remaining port batteries ready the ships heading as it comes closer”. “Yes sir!” the Tech replied.

Outside the Kumo's view ports the squadron of Tie fighters that launched had broken off from following the missing second Mon Calamari cruiser and returned to orbit with Kumo. Flight officers on the Kumo's bridge ordered them to run interference on the second Mon Calamari cruiser now in pursuit of their star destroyer.

A few moments later another officer from the port crew pit reported “Sir engineering is ready.” Kai swallowed and crooked an eyebrow as he turned back from the crew pit towards the view ports and replied “ All-Stop reverse thrusts! All batteries fire at target! All remaining fighters stay space side of the rebel ship! Keep it engaged on both sides!”. Kai clenched his teeth a moment after the words left him. He knew it was a cheap parlor trick for a strategy which was basically the same pincer maneuver the pair of Mon Calamari cruisers had tried to do to the Kumo but without the same amount of fire power. In the back of his mind something felt off to him, he knew it was risky but some odd bit of intuition told him to be mindful of the missing Mon Calamari cruiser. Though he put the feeling aside with the mental training he had learned at the academy reassuring himself the ion storms over the planet may have taken the other Calamari cruiser as a victim.

The Kumo's engines hummed loud in the planet's high atmosphere as it came to a stop and reversed skyward. The Mon Calamari Cruiser while agile in space for a capital ship was much as it's imperial counterpart was in atmosphere, slow and sluggish to respond. Giving all the more time to the star destroyer's gunners and Tie fighters to tear into it's hull as it's shields failed under the barrage from the turbo lasers on bow and the tie fighter squadrons at its aft. With most of it's A and B wing's launched during the assault on the second Death Star it had no umbrella of fighter cover to speak of.
The Kumo's turbo lasers were now so close the gunners could not miss as they  unleashed volley after volley onto the hull of the rebel ship.

As the the battle between the Star Destroyer and the Calamari vessel raged the bridge crew of the Mon Calamari cruiser Riptide watched the battle above them as they were trying to gain altitude out of the planet's atmosphere. A gray skinned Calamari wearing his white naval uniform, the Mon Calamari captain sat in his chair. Captain Barrax barked orders in a grumbled tone towards his comm officer ”Status of the Clarion!?” A Mon Cala officer looked up and replied “It's shields have failed their getting pummeled from both ends sir!” Barrax turned back towards the view ports looking at the small outline of the Star Destroyer's arrowhead shape far above him. “Bring us about and start towards the Star Destroyer from its lower starboard quarter. We'll have to be quick!” he ordered. The bridge crew scrambled and bristled with urgency to comply with Captain Barrax's orders.

The Kumo continued the barrage against the Mon Calamari cruiser. The Clarion tried to turn to reach space as it came about. However a volley of fire from the Star Destroyer's lasers hit their marks right through the center starboard hull. The Clarion then shuttered hard as multiple explosions are seen bursting through the rebel ship hull. The Mon Cal ship starts to roll over never achieving even a low orbit. The Calamari ship starts to roll over like a huge fish turning in the sea and then explodes in a huge fireball raining debris down through the planet's atmosphere, raining over its killer the star destroyer now slowly ascending back towards a low orbit above the planet.

Captain Kai watched as his ship's adversary exploded through the view port. He felt slightly relieved as he listened to the imperial officers and crewmen start to congratulate each other when loud clangs are heard and felt on the ship. The instant Kai heard the hull register the sound the feeling of unease from the back of his mind came back. He mentally stifled it and turned to one of the crew pit officers. “Was that debris?” he said concerned. The technician he spoke to widened his eyes in surprise and looked up from his console flustered “No! The second rebel ship came up through the chaos and is attaching a pair of boarding clamps!”. Kai's expression changed in an instant from concern to surprise and anger “What!?”. Just then another officer reported aloud “Sir their ship attached starboard and aft of the main hanger where the batteries are out of commission! We can't blast them away!”. Less then a second passed and the excited and fearful ramblings of the crew pits were starting. Kai turned toward the helmsmen barking orders “ENGINES PULL US INTO HIGH ORBIT! GET US AWAY FROM THEM!”. The helm officer flashed his hands over the console to comply with his orders and then stopped with a look of shock at his view-screen readouts, he replied back towards Kai “ Sir, there's no response from engineering. Not even negative confirmation...”

Kai stood there a second processing what was happening why wasn't Vimoshi replying had he been killed in the damage the Kumo took? If so one of the junior officers should have replied. A thought ran through Kai's mind just as another technician called up from the starboard crew pit “Sir! Reports of boarders on levels 27 and 35!” As the situation started to become panicked Kai's training started to take over as his thought process became more damage containment oriented. He turned towards one of the officers in the port side crew pit. “Seal all functional bulkheads! Contain them! All stations prepare to repel boarders!”. As soon as the order was given the initial technician who had reported the shields and bulk heads turned back towards Kai, the young man in his twenties with blonde hair had a frightened look over his face. “Sir only partial response from the bulkheads because of the damage.” Kai had figured as much. He had resigned himself to the realization that surviving a day like today will be a task in and of itself. A moment later a different officer updated the boarding party reports “Sir we have reports of boarders on levels 35 through 48 now! They are using slicers to shut down everything except life support and deck hatches!”. Kai clicked his teeth in controlled frustration before walking to the rear of the command walkway looking toward the large double doors that lead to the rest of the Kumo's decks he inhaled deeply and gave orders in a more clear and steeled manner “Troopers to the bridge! The rest of you arm yourselves!”. Kai pointed to an officer in the communication's alcove gesturing an order to him. A moment later the officer in the alcove bent down into a locker compartment under the terminal and took out an armful of holsters and officer issued SE-14r blaster pistols. The officer ran towards Kai handing him one and then dispersed the rest to the officers coming towards the center of the bridge to obtain a side arm. Kai strapped on his holster and watched as the rest of the officers in the crew pits did much of the same. His mind flashed for a second to his former commanding officer Captain Jaeger's words several years ago “Conscripts will fight as well as any man that has fear of death in them. The men that don't fear death are the one's you cannot trust.”.

Aboard the Riptide's bridge Captain Barrax looked out through the view ports at the massive image of the Star Destroyer filling the space outside as his ship was clamped onto it's hull. Without turning from the scene of the Kumo's damaged starboard side he started requesting reports “Status of our boarding parties?”. A Mon calamari officer looked up from her terminal at the captain and replied “We locked down their engines with TEAM A. TEAM B is fighting their way to the bridge. TEAM C is making their way towards the armory. TEAM D is encountering heavy resistance on their way towards the main flight hangar.”. Barrax gave a nod of acknowledgment as he continued to stare out of the view ports with his large eyes. He clamped his gray colored hands behind his back anxious to hear the boarding teams objectives completed.

The Kumo's bridge was becoming as anxious. Chaotic chatter had broken out on the bridge as technicians and officers in the crew pits were hunkering down behind their consoles. The command officers and navy troopers readied themselves in the communication and security alcoves to the sides of the crew pits. Kai now wearing his holster and blaster reach up and turned his cap backwards and pulled it down tight over his thick black hair. His breath was heavy as the dread started to creep back into his mind. He looked over towards the communications alcove and inquired with a mid-level shout “Where are the troopers!?”. A comm officer clicked a few controls on the panel and turned with a hastened reply. “They are encountering heavy resistance two decks below us!”. “Do we still control the flight hangars?” Kai replied. The comm officer turned his head towards the views-screens and back at Kai and nodded as he spoke “Yes sir for now, orders?” Kai's mind raced he turned toward the flight officer hunkering down behind his console and spoke “Have all remaining fighters launch now! All remaining flight crews and pilots to their ships. I want bombers flying sorties on that bastard boarding us!” The flight officer acknowledged the order with a nod as he came back to the front of the console and started punching in orders. He looked up at Captain Kai with a worried look “Will it be enough sir?” Kai continued to stare at the double doors at the rear of the bridge. Kai replied in a calm tone “No, launch everything. All bombers, shuttles, even transports and drop ships. Anything to break us free. Have all flights join with MOON Squadron in attack vectors, with luck we'll break free of them.”. As Kai finished his words an officer shouted from the security alcove “Sir troopers are here!”

A trio of stormtroopers with burns and scoring on their armor ran into the bridge towards the Captain, their boots clanging on the metal deck plates. Two of the troopers were in normal armor as the lead soldier was wearing a white sergeant's pauldron. Kai put his hands on his waist as the troopers stopped in front of him “Report!” he barked. The lead trooper's com crackled on as he spoke “Sir a large assault team is one deck below us. Most of my team are gone. We wont hold them off for long without additional support immediately.” Kai nodded at the news and it was as grim as he assumed it would be. He waived towards a pair of technicians standing in the security alcove giving them the command he had set up while the bridge crew armed themselves. The pair of techs went to the double doors with plasteel welder torches obtained from the maintenance lockers and started welding the doors shut in case the rebel slicers were good enough to get into the security overrides that kept the rear entrance sealed. Perhaps a physical barrier may slow them down. Kai's feeling of dread was creeping into his mind again as it did earlier but now he let it envelope his thoughts allowing him to think of worst case scenarios. “There is no time for reinforcements now sergeant, ready your men.” The trooper acknowledged the Captain's comment with a “Understood sir!” and ordered his pair of troopers into each crew pits. The technicians finished their welding and moved to the security alcove and readied their blasters. Loud banging on the hull were heard from behind the rear doors as well as the occasional blaster fire and yelling. Kai shouted out “BE READY!” as he sprinted to the security alcove with the other officers readying their blasters in a defensive position. As Kai knelt to one knee as he trained his blaster on the door. As if on cue the sound of a cutting torch was heard as sparks and smoke started to slice through the center of the recently sealed double doors.

The cutting torches stopped and then a moment later the rear bridge doors exploded open with a loud BANG! Before the smoke cleared laser shots shot through the charred opening. Blaster fire darted from both crew pits and the alcoves towards the opened whole. Kai unleashed short controlled bursts into the smoke as he watched the silhouettes of boarders crumble and fall to the waves of blaster fire. He had a rush of adrenaline going through him and for a small instant he thought maybe the few bodies on the deck plating were all they were going to need to deal with. He reminded himself he knew better and a moment later he was reminded his experience would be correct as a flurry of shots came into the bridge from the other side of the double doors blasted portal. The blasts found their mark on several of the techs and officers in the security and communications alcoves. Kai returned fire then a massive explosion rocked the bridge as the double doors flung open and several rebel troopers rushed the bridge of the Kumo. Many of the rebels wore green field uniforms with large blaster rifles. The Kumo's bridge became a web of laser fire as the rebel boarders and fought to gain control as the imperial officers and technicians shot from behind consoles and the crew pits. Both the imperials and the rebel boarders took massive casualties in the melee of laser fire  some of the rebel troopers rushed the starboard crew pit and leaped into it being shot as they landed on technicians and officers allowing other rebel boarders behind them to follow and start close quarters fighting in the pit. The rebels fought savagely. Kai blasted away at them as they turned the alcove corner assuming the rebels didn't wish to use thermal grenades to damage the bridge beyond repair, it gave him and the officer next to him some advantage in the fighting.

to be continued...
« Last Edit: May 25, 2021, 12:45:29 AM by Rezikai »

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Re: So trying my hand at a fanfic
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2015, 05:46:47 AM »

I created an image to go with the front page story I just posted. Looking forward to reading more.

Offline Rezikai

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Re: So trying my hand at a fanfic
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2015, 07:53:15 PM »

I created an image to go with the front page story I just posted. Looking forward to reading more.

Thanks Tamer, eventually I may do some photo novel shots to go with the story or some art I made.

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Re: So trying my hand at a fanfic
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2015, 09:42:27 PM »
Through the view port of the Riptide Captain Barrax listened to more reports of spacecraft launching from the Kumo's hangars. Dozen's of fighters and other support craft of all make were streaming from the wounded star destroyer's bowels. “Captain! Enemy targets are maneuvering to flank our position!” a calamari officer shouted out anxiously. Barrax turned to the gunnery station and barked orders “All batteries mark targets and fire, keep them away from us!”. As Barrax spoke explosions rocked the Riptide. Barrax held his command station as he turned again to his gunnery officer “Batteries report!” The calamari officer shook her head as as she replied not looking up from her view-screen “Sir portside batteries are operational but the imp craft are staying to our starboard. Starboard batterings are being overwhelmed!” Another set of explosions rocked the Riptide as the gunnery officer finished her sentence. Barrax turned back toward the view ports with alarm in his voice “What's the boarding parties status?!” The calamari officer looked at her view-screens and replied “They hold the engineering and are encountering heavy resistance en route to the hangars and armory. TEAM B is currently engaged on the vessels bridge!” Captain Barrax felt his ship shutter as more hits landed on the hull of his cruiser. He mumbled to himself as he looked at the stream of imperial craft zooming past “Not fast enough...”.

In vacuum of space the starboard side batteries were being pummeled by star fighter strafing and bomber hits. Tie's of all make were making runs across the Mon Calamari cruiser while the slower vessels were staying making more moderate runs towards the rebel ships gun emplacements. Shuttles and drop ships flew past the rebel cruiser's hull hitting it with what damage they could. Individually a few fighters and shuttles armaments wouldn't be able to stand against one of the large Mon Calamari star cruisers but as this one is now held in a stationary position and cannot utilize a good portion of its defenses the lesser offensive craft are taking their toll on the alliance vessel.

During the fighting the Calamari gunners did all they could to keep the swarms of imperials at bay. So many craft made it easy to find targets but targeting a vessel or fighter meant two or more would be attacking unprovoked. During the battle a sentinel drop shuttle attacked on a strafing run but could not pull away from the fire zone quickly enough and the Calamari gunners targeted the slower shuttle and fired scoring direct hits that tore into the shuttle's hull. The body of the sentinel tore open from the barrage and started to spin out of control. At the same time a titan drop ship was coming from the Kumo's hangar to attack the Riptide's bow. The drop ship with a massive pyramid shaped hull was designed to land four of the AT-AT walkers to a planet's surface. The titan for it's massive size was only controlled by a small cockpit near the top of the pyramid shaped body. The slow drop ship's pilot could see the wounded sentinel shuttle spinning out of control directly at it but didn't have the speed to maneuver away in time as the tri-winged shuttle smashed into the small cockpit of the massive ship disintegrating instantly in a fiery explosion. The massive titan slowly careened out of control at a forty-five degree angle and descended toward the hull of the alliance cruiser being pulled by the planet's gravity.

The Calamari gunners saw the massive titan drop ship coming but their lasers couldn't break it's superstructure up quickly enough before the out of control vessel smashed into the Calamari cruisers aft docking clamp severing it in the collision as the pyramid shaped drop ship slowly churned itself into debris as it tore through the clamp and continued into the alliance cruiser's hull.

The severing of the Riptides boarding clamp shook the Kumo's starboard hull and the inertia pulled the massive star destroyer closer towards the smaller Calamari vessel. The explosions of the the boarding clamp and collision of the titan drop-ship against the cruisers hull shook the Riptide's bridge violently. Captain Barrax shouted orders in the chaos at his officers “Status!”. The female mon calamari officer reported as she held on to her console during the impact. “Mooring clamp A destroyed! The star destroyer is on a direct collision heading!” Barrax replied towards his engineering officer “Get us clear of it!”. But it was too late as a thunderous roar of metal and explosions shook the Riptide as the star destroyer smashed into the Calamari cruisers hull. The bow boarding clamp was crushed between the pair of vessels as the Kumo drew closer to the Riptide. The Calamari cruiser's engines ignited as the Kumo collided with it, giving the rebel ship enough push off from the star destroyer to avoid being smashed into debris. As the Riptide's hull sustained the impact its engines fell inert. Without a way to control their descent the Calamari cruiser started to go into a flat spin as it fell deeper into the planet's gravity well.

Aboard the Kumo's bridge the firefight was chaotic and bloody. Dead and dying imperials lay in the alcoves and crew pits along side surviving troopers and bridge crew trying to put up a meager resistance towards the relentless alliance troopers. Captain Kai was laying prone behind the body of the dead imperial officer that had taken cover with him in the security alcove. A rebel trooper came around the side of the alcove and must have assumed Kai was dead as the young rebel had his attention towards the crew pits. Kai stayed still a moment until he realized the rebel didn't see him as a threat, then leapt to one knee and put a free hand up as the motion garnered the rebel troopers attention and he spun towards Kai with his D H-17 blaster at his torso to fire. Kai anticipated the move and clamped his free hand under the rebel troopers blaster and raised it towards the ceiling as bolts of laser fire shot from it as the young trooper fired instinctively. During the motion Kai shoved his own blaster pistol into the rebels throat and pulled the trigger blowing through the rebel soldiers neck exiting with pieces of bone and muscle out of the base of the back of the man's skull. The soldier gurgled and fell over as Kai held onto the dead man's blaster and held flipped it around to use it himself.

Kai watched as occasional blaster fire was still coming from the crew pits towards the rebel positions near the double doors when suddenly the rebels stopped firing back then turned and fled. For a few moments the surviving bridge crew didn't leave their cover unsure of what happened. A few moments went by during the silence. It felt like an eternity to Kai who hugged the edge of the alcove he used for cover to peer towards the rebel positions to see what happened. Kai saw they had gone, unsure of why. He backed away from the double doors dual wielding the pair of blasters still pointed at the blasted doors. Then a huge shutter and lurch shook the bridge of the Kumo. Kai stumbled before regaining his footing as the Kumo's bridge then reverberated as a larger lurching impact was felt throwing Kai to his knees. Kai looked out the view ports to see the starfield start to move and realized the Kumo had smashed into the something and was now falling planetside.

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Re: So trying my hand at a fanfic
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2015, 01:56:30 PM »
Cool story! Great story telling, I like the imagery.

Offline Rezikai

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Re: So trying my hand at a fanfic
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2016, 01:15:09 AM »
Captain Kai pulled himself up from his knees. The surviving bridge crew took their stations after they felt the Kumo was being pulled by the planet's gravity and started to go into free fall.

As he regained his footing Kai shouted towards the crew pits "HELM! Control?!" The blonde haired technician held onto the console as best he could through the shaking and replied up towards the captain from the starboard crew pit  "Gone sir! All we have is emergency thrusters!" The Kumo started to shake as it's massive form sheared through the upper atmosphere of the planet. The survivors of the Kumo's bridge started to hold on to consoles and control planels as the star destroyer started a slow flat spin in its descent towards the planet.

Kai's mind raced to think of options he balanced himself as he barked towards the other surviving crewers "What else do we have!?" A dark haired disheveled officer from the port pit yelled up from a console "All that's left we can control is internal comm, hatches, bulkheads and life support now, the slicers locked us from the rest!".

The Kumo broke into the lower atmosphere shuttering hard against the harsh winds of the planet. In it's slow spin the out of control vessel was peaking through the planet's clouds and landmass can be easily made out from its forward view ports. Kai had a thought and decided to put it into action. He yelled orders over the sound of bulk heads shearing and shuttering in the planets trade winds. "Time until impact!?" The female officer replied back to him "Sixty-three seconds!" Kai reach over to the communication terminal and slammed it on with his finger, unknowing if the actual system was even broadcasting internally to the rest of the ship."All remaining personnel to escape pods! Rally point ALPHA at the Northwest coast's peninsula!" Kai turned back to the crew pit and gave the coordinates seemingly too easily. But in excitement and fear mixed with adrenaline they didn't bother to ask. "Right! Coordinates marked!" The female from the crewpit yelped in reply. Kai never looked at the actual crew pits themselves keeping his eyes at the spinning scene outside the Kumo's forward viewports. He spoke above the noise of the howling wind whistling through the holes of the Kumo's superstructure. "Point of impact?" The blonde haired technician from the starboard crew pit shouted a reply "West on the main continent, near the western coastline!" Kai took a deep breathe and thought for a precious second and turned to the officer in the crew pit.  "Mark at five thousand kilometers to impact." The female waited a half second then replied "Impact in forty-eight seconds mark in sixteen!". Kai turned back towards the view ports and continued his orders "On my mark use starboard emergency thrusters and blow all starboard docking bays and battery wells into the planet's atmosphere." For a half second the officers and technicians were silent before the blonde haired technician replied back "Sir?!". " DO IT!" Was the only words Kai gave the younger man.

The female officer yelled up from the crew pit a few seconds later "Mark at five thousand kilometers in eight seconds. In five seconds. In three seconds. MARK!" As the female officer shouted the countdown Captain Kai felt relatively calm, the previous words of Admiral Jaeger still in his mind. As Kai heard the officer should the word -mark- he gave shouted his single word order to the crewpits "Now!".

With that single word from Kai all the hatches and wells were blown on the starboard side of the Kumo along with it's emergency thrusters used for when it has no main power to drive itself. The thrusters are enough to push the massive star destroyer in space but within atmosphere it was a near futile act.

From the surface of the planet the slow spinning Kumo looked like an ancient god falling from the heavens to the planet below, leaving a long trail of dark smoke through the clouds as it descended.
Following the massive vessel a stream of tiny spec sized shapes of fighters and spacecraft could be made out like flies following a dying animal. The arrow headed vessel continued to fall then the fighters broke from trailing it and started away in an unorganized scattering as the craft received their orders for the rally point. A small contingent of craft including a pair of tie fighters, a pair of tie interceptors and a sentinel shuttle continued to follow Kumo towards impact.

The continent below grew closer as the star destroyer was now very close to the surface of the planet. On board the sentinel shuttle Major Gridon leaned between the pair of shuttle pilots watching Kumo plummeting. One of the pilots turned towards the major with a questioning glance. "We're not going to the rally point sir?" The Major was an older officer in his mid forties with greying strands through his natural auburn hair. "No, we follow it all the way down." Suddenly the opposite pilot pointed towards the viewport with a surprised tone "Sir look!"

As Gridon turned from speaking to the first pilot he saw the falling star destroyer shutter with a large jolt as massive thrusts and compressed air was erupted out of the star destroyer's hatches and ports on their starboard side. The great blast of  decompressed air nearly stopped the flat spin to the ship and put it at softer degree coming inbound. No longer headed straight down for the surface the Kumo now was coming in from a much more manageable angle.

Back on the Kumo's bridge the surviving bridge crew worked feverishly to gain some kind of control after the ship had shuttered and the blastback from the decompressed hatches and gunnery wells had slowed it's spin considerably. Much the sound of the whistling through the bulk of vessel had stopped and the bridge crew found it easier to hear each other. The female officer shouted up from her crew pit "Thrusters and air blasts from the ports have stopped our spin but it we still don't have control to regain orbit sir!" Kai gave a smirk as if told a joke as he held onto the comm station bulk head replying "Orbit is the last thing on my mind! Port and Keel emergency thrusters to full on my mark!" As Kai finished the order both sets of crew pits replied with acknowledgments. The female officer gave started a second countdown"Sir thirteen seconds until impact! 12, 11, 10." At eleven Kai gave a shout over both crew pits "MARK! Thrusters to full!" Both crew pits gave their replies to his order as Kai shouted toward the crew pits "Hold onto something to brace yourselves!".

The thrusters on the port side of the star destroyer ignited straining to have any effect on the gravity that held the Kumo in its grasp. While unable to stop the ships descent it did give the ship much needed space from impacting inland and now it the great ship was headed toward the last half mile of land left before the coastline of the continent started. The coast of the continent was now filling the entirety of the bridges view ports. Kai jumped down into the legwell of the commstation bracing his legs and body in the small space. From his position Kai heard the officer in the crew pit continue the countdown. "Impact in five!" She shouted as coherent as she could considering.

[insert ISD smashing sideways into a savanah coast nosecone first here]

Without another word the port side of the star destroyer smashed into the surface of the planet's continent at an angle carving a massive gouge through it's coastline grassy plains. The entire left side of Kumo was crushed as the ship continued to plow through the grasslands buckling it's arrow head form against the massive pressure from the impact. The ship continued to destroy tree lines and flattening knolls as it was gouged a huge trench sliding across the grasslands heading for the coastline tearing away debris and bulkheads as it did. The ships wrecked hull and debris that pulled free from the ship littered the huge gash through the desomated streak it left behind.

As the Star Destroyer tore through the edge of the coast its port side smashed nearly a mile wide trench through the savanah's fields. It continued to scrape the grasslands, churning earth under it's port side until it reach the coastline. The Kumo's port side was momentarily scraping through the white sand beach for a moment before the sand caused the ship's hull to burn and buckle under the heat of the pressure and destruction.

The ship finally finished churning through the sand until it hit the shoreline. The water slowed the ship's momentum significantly which caused the buckled and broken hull to split and break open. The hissing sounds of steaming water meeting red hot metal from the hull caused the water to boil near the ships hull. After a distance the ship finally ceased moving laterally and buoyed above water about fifty meters out from shore. The massive damage to Kumo's hull allowed flooding into its decks and with the bulkheads already breached from the boarding parties the ship started to slowly sink. The much heavier engine section weighed down the aft of the ship as it sank to the bottom of the shallow coast much faster. The engine's filled with water the imbalance of weight started Kumo sinking so quickly on its aft end raised up the front of the ship's bow from the water. Allowing the bridge to be slightly above the waterline as well as the upper hangar. The star destroyer jutted out of the sea like a leaning ivory pillar as the aft settled into the shallow sediment. The midsection was mostly underwater,  the forward compartments of the Kumo's superstructure were now slightly above sea level. The angle at which the top of the command tower and the forward compartments slightly came above the waterline looked like huge stepping stones leading to the bow of the ship like an ancient ivory spire sticking out of the water. Kumo's command tower was initially submerged when the ship first sank but slowly rose up from the water line as the bow raised as water poured off of the command tower like a fountain gushing water over it. The star destroyer finally rested as the waterline settled half way up the bridges large triangular view ports. Through it all, the pounding Kumo took at Endor, the chase and assault on it hull here, even the collision with the rebel ship and the hard landing it took into the water, the large view ports of the bridge never ruptured. A testament to the manufacturing of the Kuat drive yards. Any that had survived the crash on the bridge would see the waterline stopped half way up the view ports giving them a semi aquatic view.

Captain Kai regained consciousness finding himself in the starboard crew-pit. He slowly started to rise, moving a dead stormtroopers body off of his torso. He wavered in a moment as he raised up sitting in an upright position moaning from the pain a bit. He then stoped as his imperial training kicked in. "Damage... Report." His request was met by silence. Had everyone  been killed in the battle and the watery crash? He looked out the view ports to see the half aquatic view before he spoke again louder this time. "Damage report!" Shuffling and moaning could be heard from the port crew pit, where much like the starboard side was littered with casualties. The blonde technician from earlier rose with a severe wound to his upper right forehead bleeding down over his face and and neck. He moved to a console and steadied himself as he started to go over the remaining information. "Major systems... unknown. Bulkheads were damaged from the boarding party and the crash we are taking on severe flooding to the aft section of nearly all decks." He finished his sentence and slumped over the small console holding his bleeding head. Kai slowly stood holding himself as he did feeling his body ache all over from being thrown around the bridge like a child's toy. "Have all surviving crew don gear and supplies. Get them into anything that has a respirator. I don't care if it's scout armor or Flight suits, anything that can hold air for them until the flooding stops or they can get to the surface."

Moaning could be heard from the communications alcove and the starboard crew pit as other survivors regain consciousness. The sound of metal scraping together can be heard from the rear bridge entrance. Captain Kai looked around as Lieutenant Sylvon raised her bruised head to the walkway along with a battered stormtrooper. She had been in the crew pit giving the count down to impact but during the crash had been tossed up and out of the crew pit. Kai turned to the moaning officer. "Sylvon, you survived!" He said surprised but slightly cheerful. Almost like this entire disaster was a joke. Sylvon coughed and checked her spit for blood turning to the stormtrooper who was also rising to his feet and then back towards the captain coughing again in a reply "Barely.... sir."

After the initial information regarding the crash terminals and displays started shutting down as the emergency power supplies were being flooded. Soon all of the crew-pit terminals were dark. Captain Kai looked over the handful of survivors from the bridge making sure everyone who had survived was in condition to travel the hulk that the Kumo had now became. Just before he started to make a judgment on where to try and get out either the view ports or through the ship a scraping of metal was heard from the rear where the rebels had blown the entrance to the bridge.

The metal scraping from the rear bridge entrance finally concluded with a ka-thunk! As bent pieces from the bridges entrance doors were shoved aside. A pair of stormtroopers wearing command paldrons came into view. They traversed the angled deck to reach the Captain. Who was climbing out of one of the crewpits holding onto one of the view port bulk heads as they came close. He turned to the pair and nodded as he spoke "Report."

The lead stormtrooper wore a squad commander's pauldron he was holding his E-11 to one side as a crack came over the internal microphone from his helmet. "Severe damage to all levels, most of the boarders retreated or got blown into atmo when the connection clamps were severed." As he finished his sentence the other stormtrooper spoke up through his damaged mic'd helmet. "We should get going sir, Major Gridon is waiting." Captian Kai raised his eyebrows in expectance of the news. He knew Gridon would make sure to survive any way he could but not in the way he could respect. Kai raised his hand above his head to pull his cap to its correct position but felt only his thick hair and guessed it was lost during the tumble he took. He gave a second to think of his reply but instead decided he needed to gain more information and simply replied in a faux surprised tone "He survived?" The lead stormtrooper replied "Yes sir. A decent number of craft made it off ship." Kai's brow darkened knowing now how Gridon survived. He wasn't even on the Kumo during the crash. He nodded towards the pair of men his eyes locked onto the second of the two troopers in an inquisitive glare "Good. Is there anyone else here to take with us?" Kai said as he turned toward the rest bridge taking tally of the survivng crew. Lt. Sylvon, one of the three initial stormtroopers that had come onto the bridge shortly before the raiding parties firefight. The blonde haired technician that indcideently Kai noticed had patched up the wound in his head Vishar was his name Kai remembered. He was terrible with names in his youth so he purposely learned any and all he could. Finally a badly injured female crewer from the opposite crew pit that had been thrown across it during the crash that left her with a broken leg. Her jet black hair reminded him of someone else but Kai surpressed the image in his mind to remember the woman's name. Ralix, Raliza, "We'll get you a splint Qwistis." Vishra said as he rubbed the wound on his head that had stopped bleeding and looked much better then it did a few minuted earlier.

Kai's memory triggered. Yazit Qwistis born on Coruscant to a servant of a noble house from the core, inlisted 3 years ago. Kai cursed himself for not remembering the woman's name immediately . Something he will always need to work on no matter how experienced he gets he told himself. Vishra looked up from bracing Qwistis' leg with a piece of paneling. "Sir only the few of us here." Kai nodded looked around for a hat to put on. It wasn't needed of course but he felt he should be in one to give others piece of mind. After looking and seeing the carnage of the dead and remaingng pieces of the bridge crew he thought better of it and instead puffed up his chest in a gesture of confidence that he knew was a lie but did for others piece of mind rather then worrying about his own.

Kai finally looked back at the troopers and said aloud "Fine, lets get out of here before we become permanent residents. We'll meet  and take any and all on the way." Vishar helped Qwistis rise from the crewpit floor as she held onto his blood smeared grey jumpsuit. He nodded towards Captian Kai "Gladly sir."

As the small group of survivors leave the bridge they forced themselves back through the now bent and burned rear entrance of the bridge doors. As they trudged through the ships decks they could hear the bulk heads filling with water as air was being pushed out of any exit it could find. The decks themselves were buckled and warped from the crash making the walk even harder on the wounded. As the group traversed the bent and disfigured decks Captain Kai kept asking questions at the pair of troopers that had given him Major Gridon's status. "Is Major Gridon taking command of the survivors at the rallying point?" Kai asked. The stormtrooper leader replied after a few seconds "No sir, he's waiting outside in a sentinel." Kai gritted his teeth in frustration. He knew Gridon would keep his own hands clean but he thought the man may have some integritiy to try and help the poor souls who're stranded in the pods or the craft and equipment at the rally point. Kai held back his anger and replied quietly "Hard headed fool, we could have used him to bring evac craft from the rally point." As the stormtrooper was silent before a comment came from behind Kai and the trooper. "Intelligence was never one of his strong points." The words cam from Lieutenant Sylvon who was walking behind the pair of stormtroopers and Kai. The pair of troopers turned back looking at Sylvon expecting to hear a finishing statement but none came. Kai just gestured for them to keep moving.

Traveling through the decks the group worked their way through halls of twisted metal covered in black soot from fire or spattered red with blood. Occasionally they would meet a group of survivors and they would join the rest of the bridges party. After several minutes the decks they climbed down to were half flooded with bodies floating in the water.

After a few minutes of traversing through the water Kai asked the pair of troopers how they got back inside Kumo with the hatches all damaged or twisted. The stormtrooper corporal replied. "We came in through the upper hangar." Kai turned from the stormtrooper squad leader and nodded towards the corporal with a blank expression before asking another question "Did you notice how damaged was deep storage and the armories were?" The stormtrooper leader gave a reply this time "The main armory was heavily damaged and half underwater, deep storage didn't look much better." The response made Captain Kai look down at his feet a moment as he put his hand on his chin in thought. The gesture obscured in the dark of the low lighted deck to whatever look he gave while doing so. After a moment he continued to walk on "If we have to engage the rebels on the beach we'll need armored support. Any walkers or support armor would help". After a few long seconds the stormtrooper leader replied "Yes sir, are they top priority?" Kai gave a moments glance back at the rest of the traveling party. From the seven that left the bridge to over two dozen now traveling through the decks with his party. "No, at this time casualty collection and the portable racks for the TIES. They'll be getting low on fuel by now and can't hard land easily like the shuttles". After the statement Lt. Sylvon spoke up "We'll have to get them from deep storage". Kai stopped a moment at mention of that and turned to her. "Sylvon, start that now. Any able bodies you find on the way use them to get the racks on shore as soon as possible. Keep whoever you need to keep." Kai said with a slightly gruff tone. Sylvon gave a inquisitive look as if expecting something to follow. Then Kai pointed toward the pair of stormtroopers "You two go with her and help make sure we get that done". "Yes sir" the pair said in unison. Kai nodded towards Sylvon and she gave a slight smile back.

After the words were spoke the trio of the two stromtroopers with pauldrons and Lt. Sylvon peeled away from the main group of survivors to start their new objective. Captain Kai and the surviving technician Vishar continued to lead the rest of the survivors through the darkened corridors of the star destroyer picking up others as they traversed the dimly lit decks of the ship.

An hour into the trek the group was over a hundred in number making their way past the lower hangar and stared to come out of the flooded decks. Eventually coming across the main corridors between the upper and lower hangars. The group winds their way through overturned supplies and abandoned equipment. The eventually make it to the main maintenance bay adjoined to the corridor and hangar. At the center of the large room an old troop transport rested where it had been tossed around when Kumo made it's plunge to the planet.

Vishar spoke up pointing at the rear of an overtunred AT-AT that had been at attached to maintenance scaffolding but was now smashed into the opposite end of the bay. Kai acknowledged Vishar's gesture "I see it. Well we're getting closer. Lets get ourselves to the bay doors and see if our piece of Kuat armor was tough enough to punch through them."

The group made their way to the end of the maintenance bay where the forward pilot compartment of the AT-AT had smashed through the maintenance bay doors like a fist through a screen. The doors had contorted concave on each other as the AT-AT had slammed into them punching through with such  force it was doubtful when the group made it past the bay doors to actually see the head of the AT-AT that there wouldn't be anything but smashed wreckage left.

They were mostly right.

The AT-AT's cockpit was mostly pulverized into smashed wreckage. No crew had been inside of it. But it seemed some of the power systems had been online during the crash where the wrecked remains of two main chin-guns would be were now just two huge black charred holes where they overloaded and exploded making a massive hole in the edge of the hangar bay floor where the cockpit wreckage was dangling over. Had it not been for the bay doors holding back the body section of the AT-AT it may have slid all the way through into the hole as well.

Kai looked over the hole and gave an annoyed expression. "Hmm, we'll have to make a traverse line. Troopers to the front!" About a half dozen beaten and battered stormtroopers wearing their armor some with some without their skull faced helmets came forth. Kai pointed towards the walls of the bay and gave orders "Lets get grappling line and get it tested. This is the last main section before we reach the upper hangar". The troopers nodded and each started unfastening lines and hooks from their utility belts. The troopers worked on tugging different sections of the wrecked AT-AT's cockpit and throwing hooklines across the hole in the deck to fasten to spots across. Once a few of the hooklines had securely fastened to a few terminals and another to a piece of the adjacent blast door frame bent open from the crash they tested to make sure the weight of a person would hold and then slowly started rope pulling themselves across. It would take time for the entire group of survivors to get to the other side. Captain Kai decided to stay until the last of them made it before pushing them forward. He watched as the stormtrooper corporal that had survived the firefight on the bridge started to head for the line but stopped him.

Kai remembered the younger man Corporal Zaym TK1979. It was odd to Kai he had trouble remembering names of certain crewers he could see the faces of but the troopers with their uniformity and all uniquness taken from them he remembered much easier. He held up a hand in front of the Corporal motioning him over moment to speak. "Corporal. Take a small team ahead to check the status of the upper hangar, make sure we can get ourselves back out." Zaym's micorphone crackled on as he replied from under his skull looking helmet "But sir didn't the others..." But before he could finish the sentence Captain Kai cut him off with a wave of his hand and then handed him a small comm-link. "Contact me with this. After assessing the damage make your way to deep storage and get the portable Tie racks out. Sylvon wont be there." Corporal Zaym nodded and took the small device placing it in his belt and then started traversing across the rope lines. Unsure why Sylvon who he had saw been ordered there suddenly not be but it wasn't his place to wonder why. be continued.

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Re: So trying my hand at a fanfic
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2016, 05:16:44 AM »
Great chapter, time for the front pages. Thanks for sharing.

Offline Rezikai

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Re: So trying my hand at a fanfic
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2016, 08:04:51 PM »

The collision with the Star Destroyer sent the Mon Calamari cruiser spinning in a flat slow turn. The brave Calamari crew was struggling to hold their ship together as their cruiser started its' descent deep into the planet's atmosphere. The cruiser's gigantic wound billowed black smoke from the top of it's hull showing a spiral of smoke as it fell. From the bridge alarms blared as the Calamari crew struggled to keep their vessel airborne. “Helm! Status!?” Captain Barrax barked through his aged and gravely Mon Calamari voice. A young female Calamari controller officer shouted up from her station “Attitude control is gone! The Planets gravity has us!” Captain Barrax turned in his white captain's chair his gray skin with white spots creased and wrinkled. Barrax shouted towards another officer “Engines?!” A beige uniformed Calamari officer looked up from his station and shouted his reply over the alarm klaxons “Main's are offline. Aft thrusters are operable!” Barrax turned back towards the main view-port watching the horizon of the plant slowly turn in front him. “Bow thrusters?” he asked. “Destroyed!” the same Calamari technician replied. Barrax Turned back to the female Calamari officer “Distance to impact?!”. The female calamari replied with a shuttering in her voice as she replied “Sixty thousand kilometers and closing fast!” Another male calamari officer in the station adjacent to her shouted towards Captain Barrax as well “ We're dropping like a rock!”. Barrax took a second to think before starting his reply in his gravely aged voice. “Helm get the inertia dampers ready!”

Across from Captain Barrax first officer Shellis stood holding onto the holotable as reports from the ship flowed into it's display “Are you crazy!?” he yelped. Barrax didn't turn towards his first officer and just waved a webbed hand in his direction “Trust me!” As Barrax finished waving his arm the female calamari shouted her next report “Fourty thousand kilometers and closing fast!”. Barrax nodded as he continued to watch the horizon as he spoke his retort “At twenty-five thousand turn on the dampeners. How long can we keep them on until it shakes us apart?!” The beige uniformed calamari replied back “A few moments, a minute at best!”

A few tense moments went by as the alarm klaxon wailed throughout the bridge before the female calamari shouted her report “Twenty-five thousand mark!” Barrax nodded and turned pointing towards the beige uniformed engineer officer “Open them!”.

A second later the Riptide lived up to it's namesake as the inertia dampeners activated while the ship was spiraling down through the atmosphere. In the depths of space the dampeners bring would a ship to a halt from its own inertia, however in a spiral and now weighted from being in a planet's atmosphere the dampeners were smashing the fields of gravity around them to try and hold the Riptide in a stable position. The ship shuttered and shook violently from the dampeners trying to stop the effect of the planet's gravity on their momentous speed as it plunged closer to the planet surface.

The mighty shell shaped vessel shook and jerked as it's systems fought the gravity shaking it back and forth in hard convulsions each tearing more of the hull open and sending small pieces of the Riptide into free fall.

On the bridge the crew held on their lives as the calamari engineer shouted above the mixed sound of alarm klaxons and the low rumbled shutter the Riptide made as the dampeners fought against the planet's gravity. “We've slowed! But we can't keep it going!”. As he finished his words the female calamari shouted “We have to shut it down, it's shaking us apart!”. Barrax holding onto the commander's chair swing-arm looking out the view port. His vessel had stopped its slow spin and was now nose diving directly at the surface of the planet. He turned and barked his orders towards the group of bridge crewers “Start disengaging the dampeners! Just before they finish I want aft keel thrusters to full!” At the end of the sentence a calamari officer shouted a one word question about Barrax's order “But--”. The rest of his question was cut off in the sounds of the bridge alarms and the calamari engineer barked his reply to Barrax “Dampeners disengaging!”. Barrax shouted his next orders so loud it was over the alarms and the rumbling of the dampeners shutting down “Aft thrusters to full shoot them straight up!”. The sudden clear and loud order from the captain caught the bridge officers by surprise, it was the first time they had heard him strain his voice to make it that clear.

As the dampeners finished their deceleration of the Riptide the aft thrusters engaged shooting the rear of the Riptide up and over the bow flipping the Mon Calamari cruiser letting the engines free fall first.

As the crew felt the pull of the artificial gravity take hold of them keeping them upright as the Riptide flipped over itself the view in front of Barrax was starting to slowly change from the planet surface and slowly the planets sky started replacing the dark brown and tan land masses in front of him. Barrax turned and gave another loud order “Thrusters to balance on my mark!”. The female calamari officer gave another loud report “Five thousand kilometers to impact!”. Barrax waved his gray skinned webbed fin at the engineer as he shouted his next command “Aft thrusters now! Stabilize us!”

The aft thrusters on both the keel and topside of the Riptipe engaged shooting small bursts of thrust at the the rear of the rebel ship in different directions until the ship was no longer in a spiral but now was falling engines first in a straight descent.

The female calamari officer gave a very tense report towards Barrax “20 seconds until impact!”. Barrax looked through the viewport now seeing the blueish haze of the planet's sky instead of the brown patches of land masses below “Projected Landfall?!”. First officer Shellis yelled in a panic “Landfall!? Were going to smash like an egg!”. The female officer cut off his sentence shouting towards Barrax “Edge of the western valley possible mountain range!”. Barrax instantly replied gripping his command chair “All remaining thrusters engage on my order!”. A few seconds later the female calamari officer shouted again “Impact in 10!”. Barrax replied in a loud barking order “ All thrusters engage!”.

The Riptide's remaining thrusters all ignited in a symphony of steam looking looking plumes as the ship fell engine first. The bridge crew looked on as all they saw was the blue sky of the elevation they had just been part of. Their efforts slowed the ship slightly, then they felt the huge jolt as the rear of the ship smashed hard into the planet below. The ship port side clipped a cliff then it impacted the side of a mountain and tore a huge gash in forested incline of of the mountain. The engines cut the massive tear through the hill side as it churned up timber and boulders. The Mon Calamari cruiser's engine was becoming more entrenched in the earth of the mountain slowing it faster then the rest of the ship could naturally slow itself. The remaining force of the rest of the ship swung from the port side tearing into the side of the mountain toward the unobstructed starboard side, like a pivoting lever. The bridge crew watched as the mountain range they impacted with from their port view disappeared and saw the clouds and horizon spin from the right to left in front of them as the mountain's incline reappeared on their starboard as they felt the entire ship shake with a thunderous boom!

The ship took a massive blow as the starboard side hit the mountain. The impact shook the engines free of the earthen trench the ship had cut and slowly the Mon Calamari cruiser started to roll down the mountains incline. It tumbled a few hundred meters before coming to stop upright at the base of the mountain with the bow of the ship on the edge of a cliff over a huge bottomless looking ravine.

As the debris and dust settled around the Riptide like a shell shaped boulder that had dislodged and rolled down the mountain the Riptide came to a stop still intact.

Slowly after the thrashing they took from the impact the bridge crew slowly regained their senses. Barrax was the first to make a command order as low mumbling was heard from others on the bridge “Re... report.” he said in his normal graveled voice as he rubbed his large gray and white spotted aquatic forehead where a red mark now swelled. The command chairs control arm swung hard into him creating the bruise.

The beige uniformed engineer gave a report in a half moan “Heavy damage to all decks, engines are totally gone. But, we're still here.” The female calamari officer rubbed her shoulders, as she released the saftey straps from her control stations seat. “They took the brunt of the collision. Saved the rest of the ship though.” Captain Barrax looked over at Commander Shellis who lay still on the deck. Shellis hadn't strapped in securely when the collision took place and took severe injuries when he was thrown across the bridge. “Get med crews up here and to other wounded immediately. What happened to the Star Destroyer?” he said as he rushed towards Shellis and turned him over. The commander was still breathing but had his eyes shut and a nasty cut on his shoulder.

The young calamari officer adjacent to the female chimed in now more coherent “Imp fighter chatter last said it was crashing in a hard slide into the sea. Probably gone with all hands lost. Except their spacecraft that were in flight.” Barrax nodded and gave a somber reply “Calm tides or us. Alert all remaining fighter commands to start a rotation for umbrella cover as we assess the damage and wait for rescue. Communications, contact Home One relaying our situation.” He thought for a moment that he was glad the damned alarm klaxons had been killed by someone with common sense from it's blaring wail. But it was little solace to him knowing the rest of his old friend the Riptide was now little more then a large metal box to try and get a rescue signal sent from. The young calamari officer gave a sullen reply “Sir, long range transmitters are out. Maybe short range can reach them. A moment later the female officer interjected “Probably not, the interference from the planet and the massive wreckage from Endor would cause too much static”. Barrax looked up from Shellis still unmoving but breathing. “Well then, we'll have to send it personally on one of the remaining fighters. Speaking of which get whats left of Blue Squadron back to the deck they're probably low on fuel. If enough fueling containers survived lets try and get them refueled and prepped for a return trip to the fleet so they can relay our situation. “Yes sir!” the female calamari officer said as she started to punch up her half-lit console. The young male officer looked up at Captain Barrax “Should we scout the Imp crash site?” Barrax turned from Shellis still unconscious on the deck and looked out the view-port of the Riptide at the settling dirt and dust from the mountain side still rising from the impact. “Indeed we will. See if any of the A-Wings that were coming back in for repair and refuel from Endor survived our crash and we'll see what we can find out from their crash site”. The young male calamari nodded trying to punch one of the now extinguished buttons on his console “On it sir”. A few long moments went by as Barrax watched the settling debris through the view-port before turning back to the slightly moaning Commander Shellis “Did anyone make it off the Clarion?” he asked. The female calamari replied “During the battle, I saw a few pods launch but no more then a handful. It was too sudden” she said solemnly. Barrax nodded his reply and continued “While the scout finishes his run for the Star Destroyer's crash lets see if any other fighters are flight worthy enough to do a search and rescue on best approximate landing coordinates for the Clarions survivors.” Barrax said as he turned toward Shellis and placed a webbed hand on his comrade's arm. At Barrax's words The female officer nodded a reply.

As the bridge crew started fulfilling their orders a med team arrived for Commander Shellish, they began injecting him with fluids and used scanners on him to check for internal injuries. Outside the Riptide a handful of Y-wing fighters slowly descended to the exterior of the cruiser as maintenance crews started coming out of the ship to direct them into a holding pattern until a landing area can be cleared.

to be continued...

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Re: So trying my hand at a fanfic
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2016, 05:58:16 AM »
I will give this a better read later, but I like it. Off to share this with the rest of the world. Keep it coming!

Offline Rezikai

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Re: The last orders of Captain Kai...
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2016, 11:52:03 PM »
Corporal Zaym TK1979 looked over the upper hangar he never saw any kind of obstruction that the captain was hinting at. He was unsure of what Captain Kai was referring to or why he gave him a communicator rather then just let him speak to him from his helmets internal communications band. Either way nothing seemed wrong. Zaym was relieved to know they'd be getting off the Kumo before any other bulk heads gave way or the girders collapsed trapping them inside.

A moment of personal thought crept into his mind before Zaym decided to report in to the Captain. He was still unsure why he was ordered to use the hand held comm when the helm comm-link seemed to still be functioning fine. However he knew better then to question the captains orders. He tapped the small cylindrical comm-link on it's side opening the communication channel. “Captain Kai?” Zaym said speaking into the small transmitter in the controlled tone that had been drilled into him when when speaking to superior officer. “Yes what is it?” Kai replied in an apparent annoyed tone. Zaym continued “Sir, the Upper Hangar looks unobstructed, doesn't seem there's major damage to the docking doors so we should be able have them open without too much issue” A second passed as Zaym's words sat there, for a half second he let the thought that his comm-link didn't send the transmission and Kai was still on the other end waiting for the status. Zaym started to reach the comm-link back up to his skull faced helmet to repeat himself when Captain Kai's voice crackled through it “Excellent. Get your team to deep storage as ordered for the Tie racks, also if you encounter other survivors use who you can send the rest to our location. Work quickly Corporal. Kai out.” Zaym replied into the comm-link with an affirmation and put the comm-link back on his utility belt.

The conversation with Captain Kai was normal enough given the extreme situation the Kumo's crew found itself in but they were far from his true feelings. What was the Captain doing with the double talk and strange orders. After a moment Zaym decided it was best to do as he was told and let the officers sort it out.

Riptide's Crashsite

High above the Riptide the remnants of Blue Squadron were taking back to the skies after carefully landing and refueling near the site of Riptides crash site. The seven Y-Wings were bruised and battered, some had came back to the Riptide after taking heavy damage during the battle over Endor. Some had been held in reserve should the Endor offensive fail and were needed to help cover a retreat. Thankfully for the pilots of Blue Squadron that wasn't the case. However the seven pilots understood how grave the situation could be for the crew of Riptide if word isn't gotten back to the Rebel fleet of her crash and the survivors.

In the cockpit of the flight lead was the veteran pilot commander Vorm. A Mon Calamari pilot that had joined up with the Rebellion early on even before most of the Mon Cala political movements joined the Alliance. As Vorm was just leveling his Y-wing from take off his communications cracked on. The voice of a younger Calamari female came through static “Commander Vorm respond please.” Vorm gave a tired sigh and clicked on his communicator “Vorm here.” The female was one of the bridge crew he was sure. One of Captain Barrax's protoges probably. She continued in a short professional manner “Commander, Captain Barrax has ordered all remaining fighters inbound to continue umbrella cover. He will be assigning new objectives later this hour for part of Blue Squadron, please make sure all your birds still on the deck are fed well.” Vorm looked down at the trio of Y-wings still on the makeshift clearing the Riptide's crew made for a medical collection and refueling point. He assessed their status as he replied to the woman “Command we have three birds that would need about fourty minutes to top their tanks off but Blue 6 took some heavy action from imp gunners he'll need some extra love before he's back in the air.” The Mon Calamari woman's voice crackled back through the speaker “Acknowledged lead, Lactah's work crews will heal'em up. Calm seas to you Commander”. Commander Vorm gave a slight grimace he knew Sergeant Lactah well enough that tough love was a requirement when getting refit and repairs by his ground crew “That's affirm command. After we finish tonight we'll swing down for some chow and drinks.” The Mon Calamari woman didn't reply to Vorm's cocky attempt to get the woman to let her professionalism down “Over and out Blue Lead.” the woman said before the speakers crackled again as the link was cut off.

Twenty minutes later Vorm sat back in his cockpit as the orders came through over his display. His large Mon Calamari eyes poured over the intelligence. He realized it would be taking part of an already beaten and battered squadron from umbrella cover for a search and rescue. Vorm was anxious to get the ball on this mission rolling so he could get his people back together and try and get off this rock but he knew from his years in the rebellion sometimes if not most of the time he never got what he wanted.

Kumo Crashsite

The Imperial Star Destroyer Kumo creaked and moaned as water slowly passed through its decks. The emergency lighting was out leaving the twisted and buckled decks inside the half submerged capital ship in total darkness. Traversing the dark labyrinth Lieutenant Sylvon sloshed through half flooded the dark corridors behind the pair of stormtroopers leading her to their new objective, the main armory. She was thankful the water was warm at least as she looked past the pair of troopers. The stormtroopers had attached torch lights to the sides of their skull faced helmets illuminating the twisted hallway. Neither of them really needed the lights as their helms provided infra-vision if needed. However their headlamps were much appreciated to Lt. Sylvon's eyes who couldn't see much of anything in the totally black corridors.

Sylvon was slightly annoyed by the pair of troopers lack of tact not waiting for her however they were Major Gridon's men and his sense of tact was non-existent. During their trek she let her thoughts drift to about Captain Kai and how the rest of the evacuation was proceeding. As the trio waded through the mesh of buckled deck plating and twisted bulkheads they would occasionally pass the body of a dead crewman or trooper floating in the water. They eventually reach an three way intersection along their flooded corridor. The pair of Stormtroopers stopped looking down each direction checking the passageways. Lt. Sylvon came to a stop behind them “What is it?”. The stormtrooper captains voice crackled through his helmet as he replied to her inquiry. “We're making sure which direction is least likely to be blocked.” Sylvon gave a half nod with a very blank expression towards the man “Ah, well lets head portside since we know the hangar was half flooded so maybe the water will have stopped rather then starboard towards the forward armory.” She said. After a moment the stormtrooper captain agreed pointing down the left corridor.

Lieutenant Sylvon made a small smirk at her own cunning. She now understood why Captain Kai chose her to lead this objective and was glad he was taking an interest in her prowess and intelligence.

As the group proceeded down the left corridor it banked right again as the trio slowly traversed around the Kumo's main hangar the decks the natural incline was much more pronounced as the water level was getting noticeably lower. Eventually the water stopped and the group traveled past the mid ship of Kumo. Soon after the group had cleared the water the pair of stormtroopers stopped and hovered over the body of an officer. Lieutenant Sylvon saw this as intriguing with the new information she had. She came upon the man's body illuminated by the pair of head lamps. It was an older man in his sixties, his white hair cropped short as the older republic style would have been in this dead mans younger days. The body was badly scarred and burned from what appeared to be wounds created by fire, not a blaster bolt. She could see the olive drab uniform carried the rank insignia and cylinders of a Colonel. She knew the man and spoke his name aloud “Colonel Vimoshi. He should have been near the hangar when the Captain ordered all the spacecraft to attack.” The stormtrooper captain turned his gaze from the dead man's corpse to Lt. Sylvon and replied through is helmets speaker. “I think the armory isn't too much further ahead.” Lt. Sylvon simply nodded her head in agreement as the other stormtrooper said nothing. The trio returned to moving down the corridor as it banked to the right again and then they came to a pair of large blast doors. Sylvon pointed through the darkness towards the heavy metal doors half ajar. ”There it is”.

The door itself had been damaged in the crash as the left side had buckled under the pressure of the twisting corridor. Leaving an opening on the lower left had side of the door between the deck and the lower section of the door's frame. It was an opening neither of them seemed willing or physically small enough to make. The stormtrooper Captain tried the door controls but as expected nothing happened. After a moment the other stormtrooper turned towards Lt. Sylvon holding his thumb towards the buckled section of the door. Lieutenant Sylvon half curled her lips in a wince knowing what she was going to be asked. “Think you can make it through?” He asked through the speaker in his helm. Lieutenant Sylvon simply shrugged and nodded. She knelt down to get a better look at the damage to the door first then stood again nodding. She felt her shoulder length dark brown hair touch her face as she nodded and stood up. “Hmph” She said and started unbuttoning her tunic and slid it off her shoulders. She wore a matching olive drab tank top underneath her uniform's tunic that she rolled up exposing her toned stomach and navel. She felt uneasy as she realized the headlamps giving her enough illumination to prep her clothes meant that the stormtroopers were focusing on her intently. Not that she minded giving a trooper a show once in a while. But she would have been able to prep her clothes as quickly without the assistance of the headlamps. However considering the situation she acted like it was natural and it gave her stomach slightly queasy feeling. Sylvon knelt down again looking at the small opening between the door and the bulkhead and crooked an eyebrow “Lets hope there's nothing blocking my way the other side.” Sylvon turned over and laid flat on her back against the deck and started to slide and squeeze through the blast door's opening. “This will be a bit trickier then I thought” she said aloud so the troopers could hear her. A moment later the pair of men heard her steps back and forth inside the room before hearing metal being scraped as what they assumed was Sylvon taking off the control panel to override the main door's power with it's auxiliary if any remained.

Kumo: Upper hangar

Captain Kai and the rest of the group of survivors were moved past the wreckage in the upper hangar and reach the main loading bay doors. Corporal Zaym TK1979 stood next to Kai as he had ordered him to upon meeting up with his group. As expected when the Kumo made landfall everything sealed shut to minimize damage. He rubbed his chin a moment in thought of what it also meant for Lieutenant Sylvon and hoped she'd fair well. A second later the screeching sound of metal being forced against each other was heard as a pair of navy troopers started forcing open one of the bay doors using a makeshift winch. Kai turned towards the stormtrooper corporal “Alright Corporal, lets get able bodies across the water and if possible lets get some repulsor craft up and running for the wounded and litter cases”. The helmets speaker crackled on as Corporal Zaym replied “Understood sir”. After giving his order to Zaym Captian Kai turned back towards the long line of survivors that now snaked along the darkened corridors leading to the hangar. An eclectic mix of officers, technicians, stormtroopers and naval corps. A few land crewer and drivers to as he noticed a pair of A.T.-A.T. Drivers in disheveled gear in the middle of the cluster of people. Kai held his hand to his mouth and shouted “Sergeant Atter! Take some men and try and get some power supplies out of the maintenance area or pull it from one of the wrecked walkers to get the doors open so we can start getting armor on the beach!”.

A distant yell of acknowledgment was heard from behind a few dozen survivors as a navy trooper wearing his signature black uniform and his large black helmet threw up his hand in affirmation that he had heard his captain's order. A few minutes later the bay doors were opened and the sounds and smell of the ocean still several hundred feet below the bay doors could be felt. As well as the warm fresh air from the planet washing away some of the aroma of smoke and burnt metal the hangar and corridor's were polluted with. Captain Kai looked down at the sea's crystal clear water and gave a small smirk but quickly wiped it from his face. He turned towards the group of soldiers setting up power supplies. “We're much closer to shore then I expected. Sergeant status on the lifts?”.

Sergeant Atter stood next to the captain his large helmet removed and held under his left arm looking down at the technicians working on the power supplies at the moment the captain's question was asked. An older man in his early fifties he had grey hair with specs of white salting it. He turned to Kai and replied in a anxious tone “We should have one of the old troop transports ready within the next few minutes but as soon as it hits the sea it'll have to make like a shot to get to the beach before it takes on too much water.” Kai nodded towards Sergeant Atter “It should be fine as long as it's fast enough. What about air skiffs?”. Sergeant Atter turned towards a large storage area of the upper hangar and waved at it with the palm of his gloved hand “There was one chariot not totaled during the crash we could use it for the litter cases immediately”. Kai nodded with a grin and replied “Get the ITT down there first, with armed troops and equipment for a momentarily   beach head, then we'll get the chariot for the litter cases”. Sergeant Atter gave a slightly confused look in the half dimmed hangar “Troops sir? I'd assume if the rebels were going to attack us after they crashed they would have done so by now?”. Kai turned around looking down the hundred or so feet into the clear water as the light ocean reflective waves poured light through the hangar and over his jet black hair. Kai gave a slight gesture for Atter to come closer to him. As Atter did Kai continued “The rebels will be too curious to not see if we survived, they'll send something at least a probe of some kind. But the indigenous are what I'm more worried about.” Sergeant Atter gave an inquisitive look “Sir?”. Kai nodded and quickly spoke “I'll explain once you get the ITT's crew ready. I'll also be going with them on the transport to meet with Major Gridon.” Atter gave a slight nod and acknowledgment. “Yes sir.”

The next few minutes the surviving crew of the Kumo watched from the upper hangar as the ITT was launched from the bay and hit the water at full speed to make it to the beach. Calling it a launch was a nice way of putting it. The crew had bascially shoved it out of the bay doors. The Troop Transport made the beach just in time before the waterline got too far up it's fuselage to start swathing it. Inside the Troop Transport Captain Kai stood in the front compartment overlooking the squad of four naval troopers including Sergeant Atter and three stormtroopers, all armed.

The other three naval troops were two men and one female. The trio of stormtroopers looked battered and had burn marks on much of their once pristine white armor as they had been inside Kumo when the crash and fires took place. They all remained silent and stoic holding their weapons. Even Captain Kai had kept his side arm from the fire fight on the bridge. The silence was broken from the pilots controlling the ITT shouting orders to each other as they free fell from the Kumo into a mid air repulsor maneuver to get lateral movement going as they hit the water. The hard splash followed by the quick humming of the engines engaged at full shot the transport racing for the beach. With a clicking sound as the transport rushed towards the shoreline and the feeling of the repulsor engines making solid press against solid ground was felt even in the troop compartment. As soon as Captain Kai felt the transport lift itself from the water onto the beach he started his briefing.

“Your objective is to set up a perimeter for the temporary shelters. We may have to spend the night here. We will not be here by midday tomorrow, the indigenous life forms on this rock are huge and dangerous the northwestern peninsula is the only safe zone on the continent. That's where the rally point was set up and where we'll be heading. As soon as we stop keep your guards up and also watch for any rebel activity they may try and send a probe to check on us or worse if they are in better shape then we are they could send a strike team to finish us off. Do you understand your assignments?” Kai barked at the group of soliders. Only Sergeant Atter spoke up with a raised hand “You said the indigenous were huge and dangerous sir? What do we recognize them as?”. Captain Kai thought for a long moment starring at the sergeant. Not at the question but remembering what had happened four years prior on this planet he had seen. After a moment he answered him.

A few minutes later the Troop Transport stopped and the stormtroopers and naval troops disembarked and set out securing a small area. Captain Kai used his comlink to keep in touch with Corporal Zaym to insure the chariot would down shortly with the wounded and supplies. A minutes passed as a stream of cargo and material poured from Kumo's upper hangar. Captain Kai walked along the beach head now crowded with survivors and supplies before seeing an imperial officer flanked by a pair of stormtroopers walking down from a sentinel shuttle.

The older man was in his late fifties but still in physically excellent shape. His dark auburn colored hair was salted with gray heavily on the sides and a gray stripe had worked it's way from above his left eye all the way back to the middle of his head. Captain Kai crooked an eyebrow as he folded his arms and called out to the older man.”Major Gridon.” He shouted and nodded towards the older man. Who in turn nodded an acknowledgment and simply replied “Orders... sir?” Girdon's tone was something less then professional and hinted at annoyance. Kai gave a curt reply himself “You mean aside from the ones putting you under arrest for refusing direct orders and dereliction of duty for not going on with the rest of the flights?!”. The Major gave a smug smile as he gave his response to the younger man “Yes,.. besides those.” Captain Kai gave a slight sneer knowing that the major knew the situation as well as he did regarding the planet and surface. Kai continued “Get to the rally point and bring medical supplies for our wounded. Start a casualty collection point and make sure the fighters conserve fuel on the way here until we get the port-a-racks out of storage. You're in command of the forces there.” Major Gridon smiled at the orders as his apprehensiveness towards the captain was slightly eased. “Anything else?”.

Captain Kai gave a half wince, he and the major were far from friends and had it not been out of line for a commanding officer to strike another Senior he'd have socked Gridon long ago for the smug way he acted towards him. A long history of animosity between the two while serving on the Kumo existed from even before he took command of the Star Destroyer. But here Kai decided it was time to get past that.

Kai turned back and saw the massive tear though the beach and grassland Kumo had made before hitting the water. He turned and looked at the wrecked star destroyer half sunken into the reef off the shore. The blue skies and clear water were a calm and stark contrast to the massive wrecked capital ship he had called home for years. He took a breath and balled his fists in anger as he answered. “Yes. When we find those who did this, I want their heads on pikes.” Major Gridon paused a moment before giving a simple “Yes... sir” before turning away with is pair of stormtroopers back towards his sentinel shuttle.

During the next hours the chariot made runs to and from the beach head to the upper hangar picking up wounded and supplies. Some of the less injured crew start working on other land vehicles that could make the drop into the shallow reef and survive. By the time the temporary shelters were built later that evening the survivors had a second Troop Transport and had started working on moving an AT-AT out of the hangar. Kai looked over the survivors his mind calculating the possibilities of what this world would do to them had they not been prepared. He then thought of Sylvon and wondered if she had completed her tasks. If she hadn't by the morning he would have to leave her. Something he regretted in leaving a good officer like her but he knew far too well the cost that would be paid if the survivors of slow and wounded humans were left this far away from the safe zone once the second night started.

to be continued..
« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 01:56:02 AM by Rezikai »

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Re: The last orders of Captain Kai...
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2016, 07:41:15 AM »
Awesome sauce! So gonna go share this.

Offline Rezikai

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Re: The last orders of Captain Kai...
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2016, 07:58:56 AM »
Awesome sauce! So gonna go share this.

heh man I really need to start doing these at times other then 2-3am b/c now I'm re-reading it I'm noticing plenty of grammatical and typo errors... i'll try and clean it up today lol.

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Re: The last orders of Captain Kai...
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2017, 04:51:21 PM »

The interior of the Riptide had taken quite a bit of damage from the crash but the main hangar was still operational with emergency power. Inside the hangar four of the seven Y-wings Commander Vorm had been lead of were parked getting refueled and repaired. Commander Vorm being the Mon Calamari squadron leader had a conversation with Captain Barrax over the viewer a few moments earlier and was taking in all the information. Seven Y-wings and a pair of A-Wings were all we had left from the reserves aboard. He opened his cockpit and hoped into the grav-couch as he reviewed the information.

One pair of Y-wings would go solo with med supplies to mark targets for possible survivors of their destroyed sister ship the Clarion on the eastern side of the planet. One of the A-Wings will head towards the star destroyer's crash site and see what their status is. The other A-Wing will head back towards Endor to reconnoiter with the fleet to give them our status so they can get a rescue started. Leaving the other five Y-wings including himself to fly aerial cover sorties over the Riptide should the imps hit us before we can get defenses prepped. The fuel would be tight but as long as the rescue ships get to the crash in a few days the supplies should last.

A moment later a crackle came through over his comm-link with the voice of the maintenance bay crew leader. Over the speaker the maintenance tech's tired voice came through. "Commander Vorm. Blue three and five are departing for a search and recon for Clarion survivors now.” as the Mon cala technician's sentence finished Vorm clicked on his com-link to reply “This is Blue Lead, that's affirm. Please let me know when Blues six and eight get airborne to relieve eleven and twelve for umbrella cover.” The maintenance tech gave a quick reply back “We'll keep you informed Lead. Over and out.”

Commander Vorm wondered about the pair of A-Wings, the pair of humans that flew them were good pilots. He knew them both to be well trained but the A-Wing was something he questioned. While the fastest of any fighter in the fleet it had limited offensive firepower should one have to engage with it. He wished calm waters to those two pilots with their objectives.

As the thoughts went through his mind he noticed it was taking longer to fill the tanks then usual on his Y-Wing. He assumed it was damage to the refuel rigging causing the delay. He had hoped to get airborne soon, being on the ground was fine but considering the dangerous situation his crew were being put into he'd rather be in the air to help support them.

Then a crackle came across his comm again but this time it was the young voice of Blue 5 Lieutenant Cashil, she was the most recent pilot to join Blue Squadron a few weeks prior to the preparations near Sullust for the Endor offensive. “Lead this is  Cashil. Me and Six are heading out for the med drop mission any second now.” Vorm reopened his com channel “I was informed Five, but thank you for the heads up. Take care of Zovish for me.” A moment later the young Calamari woman's voice sounded surprised “Lead, your... joking? Right?” Cashil replied. Vorm gave a smirk on the sides of his Calamari lips and blinked his large eyes humorously “Of course not as old as he is he'll start forgetting stuff mid-flight.” The older hardened voice of the veteran Mon Calamari pilot came through over the conversation. “You know I'm listening in on this chat right Lead?” Zovish's voice crackled through the speaker.
Vorm gave a quick reply back “Oh of course Zovish otherwise I wouldn't have said it.” Vorm smiled at the joke knowing Zovish for a while he understood that the much older Mon Calamari pilot had almost no humor left in him to pick up on the joke and grimaced at the thought if Zovish and Cashil thought he was serious. A moment later Lieutenant Cashil's voice came back through the com-channel “Lead were off the deck, heading out!” Vorm replied back through the channel in a more serious tone “Calm waters to you both.”

As the pair of Y-Wings left the Riptide's hangar Vorm noticed the pair of human pilots climbing into their A-Wings. He watched the man and woman in their green flight-suits doing their pre-flight checklist in their small sized fighters. Vorm watched them ready their engines and start to lift from the hangar deck he put his webbed hand against his cockpit glass understanding how important their mission was and repeated his blessing “Calm waters to all of you...”


The bridge of the Riptide was half lit with emergency lighting and portable lights set up with generators so the crew could work their consoles. Captain Barrax sat in his white captain's chair with his pair of webbed hands clasped together in his lap. He barked out an order towards the Mon Calamari crew still manning their posts “Comm... status of refuge and shelter area assessment?” One of the female Mon-calamari officers looked up and replied “Possibly caves deeper in the mountain range from what the scouts are reporting sir. It seems the geology deeper in the cave systems are much more moist and warm.” Barrax put a hand on his chair as he replied in a more neutral tone “Excellent. I don't want to leave Riptide but if we have to it's good to have a reserve area set up. What of the Imperial's status?” He ordered as he turned over his shoulder. “ As he did a young male calamari office replied “SPEAR just got off the deck for a full snoop and scoot. Other then that the Imp chatter on the far side of the continent sounds like they sent their fighters and craft to a rallying point. No word on how many if any survived the Star Destroyer's crash.”

Barrax gave the man an nod in acknowledgment and spoke out “Hmmm. They launched everything they had to break free of us. It's possible most of the remaining landing craft are at that rally point waiting for rescue.” The female officer spoke back up “Their shuttles would have hyperdrives, but the drop ships and fighters would have to find a spot try and soft land.” The male Calamari officer who reported the imperial status was Lieutenant Tarris, he looked up from his console over at the female officer “Tie's usually can't soft land for long, the solar panels aren't sturdy enough in normal gravity.” The opposed female mon calamari officer was Specialist Dreisha. Barrax interupted their conversation “What's the status of Blue Squadron?” Tarris replied “The pair searching for clarion survivors are already underway. The rest are rotating umbrella sorties. I'll link it to your station.” Barrax gave another nod going over the data on his screen and continued “After SPEAR reports back intell on the Imp positions and strength we'll do an assessment if we need to have Blue Squadron make a sortie. Tarris replied “You think they'll need to? The Star Destroyer probably didn't have many survivors.” Barrax barked back still going over the data relayed into his pad “Perhaps, but there was so much spacecraft she spewed out that if they got organized alone they could still hurt us. I want to make sure that can't happen.” Dreisha started punching up the sortie's status' on her console and gave a quick reply “I'll start the reports as soon as SPEAR returns.” Tarris looked at Dreisha then to Barrax who was still hunched over his data screen “Sir, should we try and make contact with FOCI or Captain Vonsil?” Barrax let the question sit a moment as he leaned his head forward blinking his large Mon Calamari eyes before replying smoothly. “No, we'd don't know their status yet. We'll see if they try and contact us.” Tarris gave a questioning look to Dreisha and gave his reply “Yes... sir.”.


Captian Kai moved through the survivors while speaking to other officers and troopers in a trail behind him. He shouted orders as he came across crewman and naval troops setting up temporary shelters and setting up supplies. “Keep the material moving, everyone able are to get the P.L.R's ready! They'll be arriving anytime now!” Kai barked, the PLR's he referred to were the portable-landing-racks that were able to move a tie fighter when inoperable. Normally they are used for maintenance or long distance ground travel but he knew they couldn't stay landed on their solar panels for longer then a day without damaging the panels themselves. Following Kai was Crewman Vishar still in his pale grey technician uniform and stormtrooper TK1979 Corporal Zaym. Vishar was holding his hand to the small earpiece he was wearing “Sir, Moon Squadron leader reports ties are inbound.” A moment later the stormtrooper held his hand to his helmet as incoming transmissions came through his skull shaped helmets receiver and relayed it to the Captain “Sir Major Gridon is signaling, he's requesting use of the two working chariots.”

Captain Kai thought for a moment at the request. The other working chariot was just made air worthy a few minutes ago. Did Gridon not know it was damaged? Or did he assume we'd be repairing them for the evac of the remaining survivors. Kai gave a wince as he replied “Tell the Major he'll have to split his men to assist in the salvage of them and only after the Ties are landed and the casualty collection duty is complete.”

The stormtrooper corporal held his hand to the side of his helm as he relayed the Captain's message. No sound came through the stormtrooper's speaker as he informed Major Gridon. Captain Kai stood awaiting the Major's reply when a pair of imperial navy troopers marched to the Captain and his entourage. One of the naval troopers was without his large black mushroomed helmet showing his short brown hair. Both of the men had tears and stains on their uniforms as everyone else that survived Kumo's crash did. They had soot and grease covering their faces from being too close to smoke or fires giving them a haggard look. As the Captain turned to address them they stood at attention.

“What is it?” Kai said quickly. The officer without a helmet replied “Sir, Commander Karamat reports she's setting up a large perimeter circle to the north to scout for routes for excursion to the rally point. She hopes to use landcraft that's still operational from Kumo for assistance.”

Captain Kai's mood which had been perpetual dread since arriving on the beach lightened slightly. “She survived did she? Good. Have her start a wide scout area when she makes her perimeter search to the North along the coast. Make sure she takes blockade hardware, trip alarms and even sensor sticks if she has to.“ The second naval trooper still wearing his large helmet gave a question back at Kai “So large sir? You think the rebels will attack us when we try to move?” Kai pointed as a pair of technicians walking by inquired where to organize some gear. He gave a sharp reply to the naval trooper “Quite possibly, Major Gridon reported the rebels ship went down near the near this continent's eastern mountain range.” The first trooper spoke up “Sir if it's down shouldn't we have Major Gridon destroy it with operational craft and personnel?” Kai turned looking at the pair of men “No, their starfighters were still in the air at last report and they only had a handful or more. Also they went down much closer to the planet's indigenous life forms densest area.” The second trooper inquired in a slightly informal tone “The locals aren't friendly? Kai gave them both a wary look “On the contrary, much too friendly. Have Sergeant Atter give the rest of your group indigenous assessment so you can keep yourselves prepared. Then get back to Commander Karamat with the intell for any in her group she plans on taking for that scouting trek. Tell her even if the rebels don't strike the indigenous life will. This entire planet is a deathtrap.” The first helmetless trooper acknowledged for both of them “Right!”

Captain Kai turned towards the stormtrooper corporal with a half smirk anticipating what the Major's response would be. “Well what was the Major's response?” Kai asked in a annoyed tone as if anticipating the answer “It was a, refusal.” Corporal Zaym replied through the speakers in his skull faced stormtrooper helmet. Kai gave a half smirk “A colorful one I'm sure, not that it matters. Vishar lets get some maintenance crews for the ties and other craft that will be here soon ready to swap to land craft salvage for Commander Karamat's scouting mission.” Vishar gave a measured response “Yes, sir.”

As the words left Vishar's mouth the small dots reminiscent of insects started to stream in from the horizon. After a moment they took full shapes against the low hanging sun as tie fighters and interceptors. Flanked by shuttles and drop craft. Anything that survived the assault on the rebel ship in orbit to the rallying point. After a few moments Vishar turned to the Captain with a curious look “Sir why bring the Ties here for the Port-a-racks? When we could just have easily had Major Gridon send a few of the shuttles back to pick them up in a few runs?”

Kai rubbed his chin as a slight smile crossed his face before it flashed away and he responded to Vishar's question “It's all part of the great game Vishar, just remember that when you see something crazy happening.” Vishar simply gave a confused look and replied again “Yes... sir.” Kai smiled and turned back around walking towards a group of technicians setting up the landing area.


Streaking across the low hanging sun Major Gridon's sentinel shuttle raced across the planet's red sky. Inside the cockpit the pair of pilots and Major Gridon watched the landscape slowly change from the coastal surf and grasslands to a more rocky dry area.

Major Gridon knew why Captain Kai picked the only desert area on the continent to use as a rally point. It allowed some of the tie fighters to soft land. But he remembered why the desert area was used as a sanctuary from the indigenous life forms on the planet.

As the shuttle was in sensor range of the rallying point Gridon saw more and more of the tie fighters launching to go back to Kai's position. Gridon stifled a curse under his breath but knew it was better to play his part. After a moment of thought one of the shuttles pilots turned towards him “ Major, there's sporadic distress signals coming in from escape pods from Kumo.” Gridon gave no emtion in his reply to the pilot “Mark the locations and reply that pick up missions are being organized and to stay with their pods.” “Right.” replied the co-pilot as he started relaying the information back to the escape pods on his console. Gridon simply lowered his brow and spoke again “Time to rally point?” The first pilot spoke again “Under two minutes.” As the first pilot relayed the time to the Major the co-pilot had finished his reply transmission to the pods and turned towards the other pilot “I can't believe that many from Kumo survived the crash.” The first pilot replied to the question “Must have been good construction and luck.” The co-pilot replied “Must have.” Major Gridon listened to the pair of pilot's chatter thinking luck had little to do with it. He knew Captain Kai was a cunning and intelligent leader. Something he would have to deal with later.

Shortly after the thoughts the Sentinel shuttle finished crossing the rocky dry region and headed inward toward the orange brown desert. As the shuttle entered the area the main pilot announced “Rally Point Alpha ahead sir.”

Major Gridon watched over the controlled chaos below. Rally Point Alpha was a small area on the northwestern peninsula where the west coast's beach line scrawled north into a dry rocky range only allowing small amounts of grassland to grow past it before becoming desert. The dry cracked ground nearest the grassland is where the majority of the ships had set down.

The collection of ships were parked in a semi circle with the concave side on the grassland side of the desert. Equipment and personnel were moving around keeping whatever they could intact. Some of the regular tie's hadn't been able to stay airborne and came down in the sand too hard and were now stuck. The Tie interceptors however with their angled solar panels were easy to soft land in the soft warm sand. At the far side of the semi circle of ships parked in the sand was the remaining Titan drop ship from the Kumo. It's silhouette against the setting sun looked like a pyramid as it towered over the other shuttles and craft.

Most of the interceptors and ties fighters were gone now, headed south to where Captain Kai was setting up a temporary point. Gridon didn't need wonder how much the Captain trusted him considering he didn't entrust the pair of chariots to his command.

As they approached the landing area Major Gridon looked over the supplies as they were being unloaded. He knew why didn't Kai wish to remain with Kumo and that thought pleased him. As he let the thought rest the sentinel turned on it's landing lights as it came down in the dusk of the setting sun.

Major Gridon let the ramp come down the shuttle before starting down it. As he did he was greeted by a pair of Imperial flight officers awaiting him. One donning his wool black imperial uniform and small cap covering his dark chocolate colored hair while the other was still in his black flightsuit with his helm off under his left arm his blonde hair tussled from being in the helmet. As the Major descended the ramp the brown haired flight officer approached. “Major Gridon!” the brown hair uniformed officer called out. Gridon gave a half reply “Yes captain?” The younger man in the wool flight suit was Captain Ryvil and he seemed anxious to ask his question “Sir how is the Kumo?” Gridon replied with a half smirk “It's sunken on a reef in an inlet off the coast. So far as to say it's not going anywhere ever again.” Ryvil gave a startled reply “Ah I see. Apologies.” Gridon raised a hand in acknowledgment “None needed Captain.” Ryvil settled himself and continued “And Captain Kai?” Gridon gave a slight wince looking at the brown haired man as he retorted “He was severely shaken and bruised but still in one piece, though the damage he took from the crash may have had an effect on his better judgment regarding objectives and assignments.” Ryvil gave a more somber “Oh?” in his reply in a more neutral tone. Gridon continued “Indeed instead of letting a senior officer take control of the situation like myself he's still grasping to the hulk of the Kumo pulling whatever pieces of equipment he can for the trek here while having the fighters go to him for racking which is ridiculous.” Ryvil gave a confused look after hearing what Captain Kai was doing but simply said “I...see...” in his reply. Gridon leaned in his eye slightly wider “You do? Good because it's as clear as mud to me. Either way I am in command of all forces here we're to set up a casualty collection point for his people on their trek north. What word if any... from crewman in escape pods?” Ryvil nodded at the inquiry “We've received multiple signals, dozens in fact but their spread all over the continent.” Gridon gave a smirk back “Good, there's a search and rescue already being dispatched from Rally Point Beta for them we're to stay here, mark coordinates for them and report them to my comm link directly no one else is to know their locations. I want any light vehicles and especially skiffs ready for scout use.” Ryvil gave a surprised look “Point Beta...? sir?” Gridon gave a stone face expression to the mans inquiry and gave said in a neutral tone “Another point set up by Captain Kai's orders.” Ryvil gave an nod in acknowledgment and simply said “Yes sir.”

A half second later Gridon turned to the much younger blond haired man in his black flight-suit. The other imperial officer was Lieutenant Vanders lead of Onyx Squadron. Vanders had assumed command after their squadron leader was killed over Endor hours earlier. A young officer he tried to act stoic with his fresh features and bright blond hair. Vanders had seen half his squadron destroyed at Endor including Commander Cliner. He himself had taken fire but had  made it back to Kumo just in time to dock before it jumped into hyperspace. Leaving two of the squadron behind at Endor to fend for themselves. That part hurt more then watching the others be destroyed by the rebels. Knowing he had to leave them behind. The thought of that happening to him terrified his senses. He worked hard to swallow that fear standing now in front of Major Gridon.

Gridon was staring at the young man and gave a louder bark “Lieutenant?” Vanders attention was pulled from his thoughts of the battle over Endor back to the man in front of him “Oh! Apologies sir I was reflecting on today's events.” Gridon gave a nod “Of your fellow Onyx wingmen I hope.” Vanders gave a slight nod in his reply “Yes sir. I don't like leaving them to go out on their own to Captain Kai. But I stayed behind as ordered.” Gridon gave a smile to Vanders “You did your duty as you always should lad. And with good reason, I have a new mission for you.” Vanders snapped back at attention “Sir?” Gridon continued “When the half dozen ties that weren't able to soft land easily and will need to be pulled from the sand get dug out I want you to lead them on a scout mission on the Rebel cruiser. Reports say it didn't crash nearly as bad as Kumo did and many of it's crew and supplies are still armed and operational. You'll be flying as a new designiation, Banshee Lead. The rest of your unit will be remnants of Moon and Stryfe Squadrons waiting to get their ties out of the sand and repaired. You should all be up and operable in a few hours. When this planet turns to night side you should have sufficient cover. Lieutenant Vanders gave a crisp reply “Just observational sir?” Gridon shook his head “No, should you engage do your duty to the Empire. Especially now of all times.” Vanders gave a nod with a quick reply back to Gridon “Yes sir, we will.”
« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 05:39:44 AM by Rezikai »

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Re: The last orders of Captain Kai...
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2017, 02:58:49 AM »
Let me go share this and I will try to give it a read during my break at work today.

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Re: The last orders of Captain Kai...
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2017, 09:36:42 PM »
odd,.. i had some more finished after that scene.. sec i'll find it and post it.

aha found it.

The air of the Riptide's bridge seemed heavier then just a few moments earlier as the information came across Captain Barrax's screen. The first message was that LONGSPEAR and SPEAR were both launched with his crews hopes for survival on them. However the more distressing information was just underneath that report from the maintenance crews observations. He read it again just to make sure it was correct.

“So how close we're we?” Barrax said going over the data on his chair display.
Lieutenant Tarris replied while going over his console's controls “Extremely, it was the Force alone that kept us from falling into that abyss of a ravine. Commander Vorm says they dropped flares to see how far it would go but the flare fell so far it was never seen hitting bottom.” Barrax's Calamari eyes squinted in annoyance “Hmmmm, and what is this about the fuel consumption? What is he trying to say about the gravity here?”. Specialist Dreisha looked up towards Barrax replying to him “As near as I read it the maintenance crews think the gravity here is having some effect of fluids making them flow more sluggishly and making it take longer to refuel the fighters.” Barrax turned in his white captains chair “But we don't feel the effect ourselves?” Tarris chimed in with an answer “We're unsure, we're on an dry rock without much moisture for several kilometers except for the traces the scouts reported in the cave system in the mountain tunnels we crashed next to.” Dreisha looked at Tarris as she commented “I don't feel worse off then I normally would be.” Barrix finally broke in “Nor I. Lets hope it's contained to just the fuel and fluids. Tarris gave a nod and replied “Yes sir.” A second later Dreisha leaned over her console towards the captain “Sir with Riptide this close to toppling wouldn't it be prudent to move supplies and personnel into the caves our scouts reported?” Barrix gave a quick nod as he went over the data coming in on his display “Indeed it would. Though I would hate to start moving then the Imps decide to visit us with our fins out.” Barrix said with a half chuckle.

The pair of Mon Calamari technicians started to chuckle in unison before letting the joke subside. It was good to have a laugh to lighten the mood  after an eventful few days. The destruction of the second Death Star and now surviving the crash. As the silence took over the trio's laughs Barrix continued “We'll move all the easiest mobile equipment to the tunnels and caves immediately. Lets leave the larger equipment for last in case the weight starts to become an unfavorable imbalance.” Tarris continued looking at his console he acknowledged “Yes sir, sending orders to the crews.


Clouds flew past the pair of A-Wings as they moved high into the planet's atmosphere. The pair of fighters were piloted by two human pilots detached to the Riptide prior to the Endor offensive. They human pilots turned to look at each other from across each others cockpits and nodded. The first A-Wing designated LONGSPEAR was heading back to the Alliance fleet with the data and situational reports for Riptide to get a rescue mission sent for them. Inside LONGSPEAR's cockpit Lieutenant Klavine set the course for high orbit to make his jump to hyperspace back to the fleet at Endor. He watched below as his comrade Lieutenant Tritan moved her A-Wing deeper into the planet's atmosphere as she broke away to scout the imperial position. He hoped to see her again soon. Klavine then readied the nav-computer for the jump to lightspeed. He watched the as his comrade's A-Wing became a tiny spec over the blue green planet before the navigation computer chimed in with the coordinates ready for his return course and his A-Wing jumped into hyperspace.

Lieutenant Aerrel Tritan had been flying for a while. She was eight years old when she first tried to learned to fly a land speeder. That was also the first year of Palpatine's great Galactic Empire. Aerrel held back her emotions as she thought about the stories of murder and planetary suppression by imperial Moff's seeking glory and riches for themselves when so many needed it more. She wanted a galaxy where people could find the help they needed and where those without a place to go had a meaning.

Her display buzzed its early warning signal letting her know she was only a few minutes from the target area. Aerrel gave a half smirk at the readout “Let's see what we can see”.


The sun was almost down as it drenched the sky red. Captain Kai walked through streams of survivors and the temporary shelters they had created on the beach just north of the Kumo's crash site. Standing next to him the stormtrooper Corporal Zaym accompanied, relaying orders from the internal comm-link the stormtrooper corproal  had in his skull shaped helmet.

Kai continued receiving messages from other officers in person while others used their temporary short range channels as they would report more survivors coming from Kumo he would give them Corporal Zaym's comm-link channel to ensure faster communication. No wanting every last report to take up too much of his time as he tried to get the survivors sheltered and ready for the night. He was thankful for the warmer climate of the planet but new it was a facade. Kai watched as the troopers and crew started setting up the shelters for the evening as work crews continued getting vehicles that could carry supplies operational. Kai had ordered a rotation of maintenance throughout the night. He turned looking across the remainder of the beach to the open grassland that came to the beaches edge. As if waiting.

Kai fixed his gaze on the darkening sky over the grasslands as he spoke to Zaym “Status on the fighters in the P.L.R.s?” He said to Zaym without actually facing the trooper. The stormtrooper put his hand down from the side of his helmet taking incoming transmissions to answer “All remaining ties that arrived have been sufficiently attached to the portable racks. Though a handful were still stuck in the sand at Rally Point Alpha sir.” Kai' turned to the North watching the beach wind off in the distance towards the survivors eventual destination before replying with a bit of short abrasiveness in his tone “Of course they were. Corporal find out which ties and pilots were stuck in the sand and make sure I have a report with that information within the hour. Zaym put his hand back to the side of his helmet and replied “Yes sir”.

Kai gave a slight nod still facing the winding beach full of survivors as he did he started to speak “Also inform the rack crews to keep moving the ties through the night, the rest of the survivor's and wounded can catch up in the morn... ing.”

As Kai finished his sentence his words trailed off as he noticed an officer in her olive drab uniform approaching. She like most every other officer that had survived had no cap upon her head but even with it on most anyone could see she was a short well built and toned woman with dark brownish red hair. It was pinned back into a bun except for a loch that had come undone and hung in front of her striking face. Her skin was an olive tone with dark soot blemishes around her chin and right cheek. Commander Karamat was a beautiful woman in her late thirties with high cheek bones and pronounced features but she rarely let the icy gaze her green eyes had warm to anyone. Captain Kai often thought of her as the precedent for what an imperial officer should be, strong, efficient, dependable and respected. Along her side a black uniformed naval trooper marched with her donning his large mushroom helmet and side arm. Kai gave a smirk as he realized the trooper was Sergeant Atter.

Kai gave a half formal nod towards the pair as they came within an earshot “Good evening commander. I'm glad to see you survived.” Most newer imperial officers would have shouted a reply back to their Captain as they approached however Karamat gave no immediate reaction until she was within a few steps of the Captain. She stood at ease in front of him and gave a her reply in her slightly deep husky voice “You know well and good I survived when my troopers reported to you earlier, quit pretending to be surprised with that foolish look on your face.”

Kai tried to restrain his emotions around her. Karamat was one of the few senior staff officers that could have easily been taken command of the Kumo when Admiral Jaeger retired. She rarely spoke out against someone or even let her emotions show but when they did it was a mix of an authoritarian scold and threat. Even so Kai felt so relieved to know she had survived. He realized his face must have been showing and he was thankful she mistook it as humor rather then something else. Kai widened his eyes and gave Karamat a slight nod “Apologies Commander. I thought that my instructions to them was clear enough.” Karamat kept her pose and simply tilted her head slightly “Well it was as muddled as anything else you would write when you first joined Kumo's crew, though I thought I had broke you of that bad habit.”. Now, that was one of those rare pokes, Kai's face gave a slight flush with emotion. He had been much rougher around the edges for an officer when he joined Kumo five years earlier. Writing next to nothing in reports if he filed one at all. Kai rubbed his squared off chin, partially in thought and partially remembering the punch Karamat gave him for his less then official comments regarding her uniform back then, even if they were meant to be flattering. “Yes well, we can reminisce of old times of me being your junior officer later. I didn't intend the report to be unclear as it was time sensitive. I needed to make sure we had a wide perimeter set up and quickly.” Karamat re-positioned her face forward and replied “That's another issue, why in the skies did you have us make such a huge perimeter if we're going to be moving so quickly? Even rebel commandos wouldn't come close to the net we set up that large let alone a strike team. Kai raised his hand in reply “As I said to your troops. The indigenous life forms here are extremely dangerous and cunning.” Karamat arched one of her dark brownish red eyebrows “We've over eight thousand survivors here alone. Not to mention heavy equipment out of the Kumo so far. I think we'll handle some local savages easily enough.” Karamat said. Kai lowered his brow a moment and then lifted it as his eyes found Karamat's green eyes in the fading light “You think wrong, Commander, respectfully.”

The immediate retort made Karamat bristle at him and the trooper and Zaym stand at attention ready for an order from either of them. Karamat had let her icy stare soften when around Kai reinforced it with daggers towards him, but Kai continued “This planet is restricted because of the indig's. They are large arachnids with a very high intelligence. We came here some four years ago while you were back on Coruscant. Admiral Jaeger sent multiple platoons reinforced with a division of AT-AT's. While on the ground Lieutenant Pliskin's group came across a cave housing ancient structures. We didn't have time to find out much about them before the creatures attacked. The indig's here these... creatures adapt rapidly fast. They tore into Colonel Tolecco's AT-AT's like they were made of paper. There were very few survivors.”.

Commander Karamat's gaze went from piercing to more rounded at hearing her old friend Tolecco's name. She remembered upon returning to Kumo from her stint on Coruscant learning he was wounded and reassigned a comfy job on Brental IV. Karamat gave a long sigh through her nostrils. It was well known among Kumo's senior staff it was her sign of frustration but as her outer persona dictated she said nothing to the fact and instead replied more casually “I, see. So these creatures are able to take blaster shots I take it?” It wasn't so much of an acceptance Kai was right in contrast to her, no Kai figured after years of knowing the woman she'd die in a pit of fire while being torn to shreds by vaskor's before she'd ever let that happen but it was enough for him as he continued “Easily but like most things their weak spot is their eyes, and since they have many in their head they can be wounded and killed but their thorax's are as hard as plasteel. Only large blasts from heavy weapons will damage them.” Karamat turned her head slightly to one side “Then your apologies for the report are accepted Captain.” Kai didn't show his relief but he was glad Karamat wasn't angry at him for being so blunt and in front of subordinates, as he had done so in the past together. “Thank you Commander.” Kai said with a nod “I'll be needing good leadership like yours on our trek to Rally Point Alpha.”

Karamat almost replied to ask why they were going to double quick it all the way to the rally point when Kumo's supplies and crash are right here. But she thought better of it remembering the new information she had just been told about the indigenous life's ferocity. The creatures would be all over Kumo in a day two at most. She turned to watch the column of survivors along with walkers and transports slowly heading north as she spoke again “Let's hope Gridon hasn't been so inept that we'll find the place overran and occupied with rebel troops in the days it'll take to mar-- “ She cut off her sentence and turned back towards Kai “What about the escape pods?” Kai gave a long sigh “Unfortunately he was already airborne and the only senior officer I had known was alive so I ordered Gridon to start a casualty and collection point at the rally point for them as well.” Karamat raised and lowered her brow slightly “You should have had me in charge of it. My men would be better suited for it.” Kai nodded “Apologies again. At the time I didn't know you had survived.”

Karamat threw a sidewards laser beam stare before returning it towards the column of men and material trudging through north along the beach. “How long before you'll be heading north with the rest of the materials?” Kai took a few steps to stand to her left side “I'm waiting for Lieutenant Sylvon to report. She was flushing out parasites from the rest of Kumo to ensure we get enough material and survivors off of it without being seen. Though with the way the sun is going down I'm hoping she'll be here soon. Karamat gave a non-expressive reply “I'll make sure our sentry line is extended for extra time should the savages make a run at us while we're slogging north.” Kai put his hand on his waist as he gave a short toned reply “Good Woman.”. “You know this.” Was Karamat's reply.

With her final words spoken Karamat turned her her gaze over her shoulder towards Kai and gave a nod in affirmation and marched off towards the edge of the beach where it started to change from sand to grass. Captain Kai watched her as she walked away admiring her not only for her excellent form fit inside her uniform but for her professionalism and indoctrination to the Imperial way. He almost cracked a smile before turning towards Corporal Zaym who still stood next to him awaiting orders. “Corporal, see if Major Araed survived and reported in yet. I'm going to be needing her skills for a mission.” The Corporal unfroze his standing position and replied as he held his hand to his helmet ready to send the Captain's request. ”Yes sir.“
« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 09:29:02 AM by Rezikai »